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= Signal Speciality Items =
= Permanent Signing Speciality Items =
{{Note|The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-TS-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Traffic Signals form.]]}}
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SL-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Street Lighting form.]]}}
== Decorative Signal Poles ==
== LED Sign Borders ==
=== Mast Arm Poles ===
=== 91st St and Glenwood ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|95th    St & Nall Ave
|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Standard
|[https://trafficalm.com/ TraffiCalm]
|Finish/Color: F-306-GG
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder.pdf|<u>Controller & 30W Solar Panel</u><br>M75-SA300-BSC3<br><u>36" Stop Sign Flasher Ring</u><br>M75-R3636-WR01]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder.pdf|7/23/21]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder CableConnection.jpg|Cable Connection]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder LEDBorder.jpg|LED Border]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder LightEngine.jpg|Controller]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT TraffiCalm LEDSignBorder SolarPanel.jpg|Solar Panel]]
= Streetlighting Speciality Items =
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SL-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Street Lighting form.]]}}
== Bollards ==
=== Downtown Streetscape ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>excluding downtown node
|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|[https://www.hubbell.com/kimlighting/en/ KIM Lighting]
|Finish/Color: F-306-B
|[[Media:TRF PQL SL CAT KIM Bollard.pdf|VRB1-20L4KUV-BL]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SL MEM KIM Bollard.pdf|4/9/20]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SL PHOT KIM Bollard.JPG|Bollard]]
== Bracket Arms ==
=== Residential Side Mount Streetlight Adapter Arm for Small Cell Pole ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>79th & Metcalf and 80th  &<br>Metcalf (Downtown Node)
|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|[http://www.sentrylighting.com/ Sentry]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Sentry SmallPoleArmAdapterArm.pdf|SAL-WSB-PB]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Sentry SmallPoleArmAdapterArm.pdf|3/26/19]]
|Finish/Color:  F-306 /RAL 8019 Dark Bronze
|Oak Park Mall<br>Signals along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|Standard pole and mast arm<br>Pole Cap: Spear Series
|Finish/Color: F-306-GG
{{PQLNote|Color Codes:<br>GG &#x003D; RAL 6012 OP Green<br>B &#x003D; Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black}}
{{PQLNote|Used only on small cell poles in areas with residential post top luminaires - Black}}

=== Slip Fitter Arm at Indian Creek Recreation Center Parking Lot ===
=== Pedestal Poles ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|95th St & Nall Ave
|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green
|Metcalf Corridor, <br>excluding downtown node
|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|Finish/Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>79th & Metcalf and<br>80th  & Metcalf<br>(Downtown Node)
|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/brackets/ Valmont]
|Color: RAL 8019  Dark Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont SlipFitter.pdf|1HT90H24]]
|Oak Park Mall Signals<br>along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|4 ½” dia straight pole<br>Pole Cap: Spear Series
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
{{PQLNote|Color Codes:<br>GG &#x003D; RAL 6012 OP Green<br>B &#x003D; Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black}}

=== Decorative Bases for Mast Arm Poles ===
== Decorative Light Bases ==
=== Indian Creek Park Recreation Center Parking Lot ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|Oak Park Mall Signals<br>along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|Contour Series<br>CN20AB, CN27AB & CN34AB
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|Color: RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI Valmont DecorativeLightPoleBase CH22AC.pdf|CH22AC-DBL]]
|95th St & Nall Ave
|Washington  Series<br>WA25AB, WA30AB & WA36AB
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>excluding downtown node
|Sterling Series<br>ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>79th & Metcalf and<br>80th  & Metcalf<br>(Downtown Node)
|Sterling Series<br>ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB
|Color:  RAL 8019  Dark Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat

=== Decorative Bases for Pedestrian Poles ===
== Light Fixtures ==
Specialty luminaires shall have stickers denoting pertinant information on the luminaire housing when feasible as described below.
Specialty luminaires shall have a specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).
Some possible examples of these combinations are shown below.
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|- border="0"
| [[File:Luminaire Housing Sticker Designs.jpg|400px|]]
|- style="text-align: center"
|Possible Specialty Luminaire Sticker Combinations
=== Myron Scafe, Jack Sanders, and Westgate Parking Lots ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|Oak Park Mall Signals along<br>95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|Contour Series<br>CN18AB
|[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/ American Electric Lighting]
|Color: RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|'''Autobahn ATB2'''
'''Class A:'''
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
<br><u>Special Black Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
:[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/Products/Family.asp?Brand=AEL&Family=Autobahn%20ATB2&View=IESFILES<i>IES File: ATB2_80B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies</i>]
'''Class B:'''
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish, Type 3 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SL_CAT_AmericanElectric_AutobahnATB2ClassBType3.pdf|ATB2-60BLEDE70-MVOLT-R3-IL-NL-P7-SH-RFD310023]]<br>Installed at Sanders (MR-1883) and Scafe (MR-1882).
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SL_CAT_AmericanElectric_AutobahnATB2ClassBType4.pdf|ATB2-60BLEDE70-MVOLT-R4-IL-NL-P7-SH-RFD310024]]<br>Installed at Sanders (MR-1883) and Scafe (MR-1882).
<br><u>Special Black Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
:[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/Products/Family.asp?Brand=AEL&Family=Autobahn%20ATB2&View=IESFILES<i>IES File: ATB2_60B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies</i>]
'''Class C:'''
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SL_CAT_AmericanElectric_AutobahnATB2ClassCType4.pdf|ATB2-40BLEDE70-MVOLT-R4-IL-P7-SH-RFD328772]]<br>Proposed at City parking lot east of Marty and north of 80th St (SL-2550).
<br><u>Special Black Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
:[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/Products/Family.asp?Brand=AEL&Family=Autobahn%20ATB2&View=IESFILES<i>IES File: ATB2_40B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies</i>]
'''Autobahn ATB0'''<br>
'''Class D:'''
<u><br>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
<br><u>Special Black Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
:[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/Products/Family.asp?Brand=AEL&Family=Autobahn%20ATB0&View=IESFILES<i>IES File: ATB0_30B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies</i>]
'''Class E:'''
<u><br>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>None currently installed.
<br><u>Special Black Finish, Type 3 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>[[media:TRF PQL SL CAT AmericanElectric AutobahnATB0ClassE.pdf|ATB0-20BLEDE70-MVOLT-R3-IL-P7-SH-RFD223679-RFWD6463]]<br>Installed at Westgate (MR-1762).
:[http://www.americanelectriclighting.com/Products/Family.asp?Brand=AEL&Family=Autobahn%20ATB0&View=IESFILES<i>IES File: ATB0_20B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies</i>]
|Approved as part of project MR-1882 and MR-1883 plans in 2020.
|[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn TopView.JPG|Top View]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn BottomView.JPG|Bottom View]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn SideView.JPG|Side View]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn BackView.JPG|Back View]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn BirdGuard.JPG|Bird Guard]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn DriverCompartment.JPG|Driver Compartment]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn WiringCompartment.JPG|Wiring Compartment]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn WireTerminal.JPG|Wiring Terminal]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn LevelBubble.JPG|Level Bubble]]<br>
[[media:TRF PQL SL PHOT AmericanElectric Autobahn HousingLatch.JPG|Housing Latch]]
|95th & Nall
{{PQLNote|10 Year Warranty.<br>CCT &#x003D; 4,000K.<br>Light distribution optic type &#x003D; Varies.<br>7 Pin twistlock photocell receptacle with shorting cap.<br>For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.<br>Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing.  Sticker label shall read:<br>XTY<br>ZK<br>Where X &#x003D; LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y &#x003D; Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z &#x003D; Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).
|Washington  Series<br>WA18AB
=== City Hall, Deanna Rose Farmstead, Fire Training Center, Soccer Complex, Blue Valley Maintenance, St. Andrews, and Tomahawk Ridge Parking Lots ===
|Color: RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>excluding downtown node
|Classes were approximated to typical streetlight LEDs based on lumen output.
|[https://nlslighting.com/ NLS Lighting]
|Sterling Series<br>ST18AB
|'''NV Series'''
'''Class C:'''
<br><u>Various Color Finishes, Type 4 Distribution, 5,000 Kelvin:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SL_CAT_NLS_NVClassCT45K.pdf|NV1-T4-32L-1-50k]]<br>
:[https://nlslighting.com/ies-site-area/<i>IES File: NV-1-T4-32L-1-50K.IES</i>]<br>
'''Class D:'''
<br><u>Black Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 5,000 Kelvin:</u><br>Soccer Complex Short Poles<br>
:[https://nlslighting.com/ies-site-area/<i>IES File: NV-1-T4-16L-1-50K.IES</i>]
|Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Dark  Bronze (Metcalf Downtown Node)<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>79th & Metcalf and<br>80th & Metcalf<br>(Downtown Node)
{{PQLNote|CCT &#x003D; 5,000K.<br>Light distribution optic type &#x003D; Varies.<br>For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.<br>Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:<br>XTY<br>ZK<br>Where X &#x003D; LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y &#x003D; Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z &#x003D; Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).
|Sterling Series<br>ST18AB
=== Deanna Rose Farmstead East Lot, Jack Sanders, and St. Andrews Tennis Courts ===
|Color:  RAL 8019  Dark Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat
== Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole ==
=== Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole and Foundation ===
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Classes were approximated to typical streetlight LEDs based on lumen output.
|[https://nlslighting.com/ NLS Lighting]
|'''NV Series'''
'''Class C:'''<br>
<u>Various Color Finishes, Type 2 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>
:[https://nlslighting.com/ies-site-area/<i>IES File: NV-1-T2-32L-1-40K.IES</i>]<br>
<u>Various Color Finishes, Type 5 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:</u><br>
:[https://nlslighting.com/ies-site-area/<i>IES File: NV-1-T5-32L-1-40K.IES</i>]<br>
|Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
|AB Chance
|<u>Screw-in-Foundation</u>:<br>T1121363 / Dwg No. SA1121363<br><u>Ped Button Post:</u><br>T1121364 / Dwg No. SA1121364
{{PQLNote|CCT &#x003D; 4,000K.<br>Light distribution optic type &#x003D; Varies.<br>For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.<br>Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:<br>XTY<br>ZK<br>Where X &#x003D; LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y &#x003D; Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z &#x003D; Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).
{{PQLNote|Hot dip galvanized finished smooth.}}

=== Pole Base Cover ===
=== Dennis Garrett ===
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|[http://www.leotek.com/ Leotek]
|'''GreenCobra GCL1'''
'''Class A:'''
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SI_CAT_LeoTek_GCLClassAType5LLPC.pdf|GCL1-80J-MV-40K-5-GY-220-PCR7-CR-RWG-BBL-OPWL-LSSP2-LLPC]]
:[https://leotek.com/greencobra/gcl/<i>IES File: GCL1-80J-MV-40K-5-XX-220 S.ies</i>]
'''Class B'''
<br><u>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SI_CAT_LeoTek_GCLClassBType4LLPC.pdf|GCL1-80J-MV-40K-4-GY-190-PCR7-CR-RWG-BBL-OPWL-LSSP2-LLPC]]
:[https://leotek.com/greencobra/gcl/<i>IES File: GCL1-80J-MV-40K-4-XX-190 S.ies</i>]
'''GreenCobra Midsize GCM1'''<br>
'''Class C Type 2:'''
<u><br>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SI_CAT_LeoTek_GCMClassCType2LLPC.pdf|GCM1-60J-MV-40K-2R-GY-125-PCR7-CR-RWG-BBL-OPWL-LSSP2-LLPC]]
:[https://leotek.com/greencobra/gcm/<i>IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-2R-XX-125 S.ies</i>]
'''Class C Type 4:'''
<u><br>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SI_CAT_LeoTek_GCMClassCType4LLPC.pdf|GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-GY-125-PCR7-CR-RWG-BBL-OPWL-LSSP2-LLPC]]
:[https://leotek.com/greencobra/gcm/<i>IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-XX-125 S.ies</i>]
'''Class D:'''
<u><br>Standard Gray Finish:</u><br>[[media:TRF_PQL_SI_CAT_LeoTek_GCMClassDType4LLPC.pdf|GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-GY-105-PCR7-CR-RWG-BBL-OPWL-LSSP2-LLPC]]
:[https://leotek.com/greencobra/gcm/<i>IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-XX-105 S.ies</i>]
|Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
{{PQLNote|ABS Plastic. Square base with 3.5” diameter hole.<br>Two-piece cover – natural aluminum}}
{{PQLNote|CCT &#x003D; 4,000K.<br>Light distribution optic type &#x003D; Varies.<br>For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.<br>Needs a photocell on top as there is no cabinet controlling the lights with a photocell.<br>Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:<br>XTY<br>ZK<br>Where X &#x003D; LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y &#x003D; Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z &#x003D; Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

= Street Lighting Items =
{{Note|The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SL-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Street Lighting form.]]}}
== Light Fixtures ==
=== Antioch & I-435 Bridge Decorative Fixture ===
=== Antioch & I-435 Bridge Decorative Fixture ===
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|8189P-Blk-120 w/ GE 12870 Fluorescent lamp
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Bega BridgeFixture.pdf|8189P-Blk-120 w/ GE 12870 Fluorescent lamp]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI Detail Bega BridgeFixture.pdf|Shop Drawing]]
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| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Type III Distribution, LED, Black.<br>7 Pin twistlock photocell receptacle with shorting cap.<br>Approximately Class B lumen output.
|[https://lithonia.acuitybrands.com/ Acuity Lithonia]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Acuity RSX1.pdf|RSX1]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Acuity RSX1.pdf|3/21/2022]]
|Gardco Lighting
|Gullwing #G18-1-2XL-400-MH-240-BLP
|<font color="red">These are for replacement<br>of existing heads only.<br>This fixture is no longer approved.</font><br>Type II Distribution, 400W MH, Black
|[https://www.signify.com/en-us/brands/gardco Gardco Lighting]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Gardco GullwingG18.pdf|Gullwing #G18-1-2XL-400-MH-240-BLP]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Gardco GullwingG18.pdf|4/26/02]]
{{PQLNote|Type II Distribution, 400W MH, Blackp}}
{{PQLNote|Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing.  Sticker label shall read:<br>XTY<br>ZK<br>Where X &#x003D; LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y &#x003D; Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z &#x003D; Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

=== 110th & Lamar  Roundabout Landscape Fixture ===
=== 110th & Lamar  Roundabout Landscape Fixture ===
Line 257: Line 305:
{{PQLNote|175W MH, Bronze}}
{{PQLNote|175W MH, Bronze}}

=== Antioch & I-435 Bicycle Tunnel Light Fixture<br> Indian Creek Bicycle Trail under I-435 ===
=== Wall Packs ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
Line 266: Line 314:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Photometric Curve<br>LTL16011
|Installed at:<br>Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
|[https://holophane.acuitybrands.com/ Holophane]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Holophane WallConnectLED.pdf|WCNG P4 40K U4W MVOLT ZT 20KV BZSDP LTCH PR7 DF AO SH]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Holophane WallConnectLED.pdf|11/15/2023]]
|Installed at:<br>Antioch & I-435 Bicycle Tunnel<br>Indian Creek Bicycle Trail under I-435<br><font color="red">These are for replacement of existing Liton heads only.</font>
|[https://liton.com/ Liton]
|[[Media:TR PQL SI CAT Liton WLP32WallPack.pdf|WLP32-120W]]
|[[Media:TR PQL SI MEM Liton WLP32WallPack.pdf|6/27/2023]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Liton WLP32WallPackSide.JPG|Side]]
{{PQLNote|100W HPS, Dark Bronze, Type IV Distribution}}
{{PQLNote|Adjustable Output is approved.<br>For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses.<br>Trail lighting separate from an adjacent roadway will be designed with adjustable output codes to adjust the average maintained illuminance between 1.0 footcandle and 3.7 footcandle and a 3:1 average:minimum uniformity.}}
=== Soffit Lights ===
{| width="1000px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Installed at:<br>Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
|[https://holophane.acuitybrands.com/ Holophane]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Holophane SoffitMountLED.pdf|PPSQL2-P20-40K-MVOLT-GL-T5R-SSM-AO<br>PPSQL2-P80-40K-MVOLT-GL-T5R-SSM-AO]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Holophane SoffitMountLED.pdf|9/22/2023]]
{{PQLNote|Adjustable Output is approved.<br>For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses.<br>Trail lighting separate from an adjacent roadway will be designed with adjustable output codes to adjust the average maintained illuminance between 1.0 footcandle and 3.7 footcandle and a 3:1 average:minimum uniformity.<br>Order with Bird Shroud.}}
=== Wall-Mounted Type 2 Junction Box ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Installed at:<br>Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
|[https://www.hubbell.com/ Hubbell]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Hubbell Type2WallJB.pdf|RSC121808NKSS]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Hubbell Type2WallJB.pdf|12/13/2013]]
{{PQLNote|For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses as a wall mounted junction box.}}

=== 133rd & Lamar; 132nd Street & US-69 Overpass; Vineyards and Mills Farm Roundabouts ===
=== 133rd & Lamar; 132nd Street & US-69 Overpass; Vineyards and Mills Farm Roundabouts ===
Line 302: Line 390:
|Wide Lite/<br>Genlyte Company
|Wide Lite/<br>Genlyte Company
|Optra Area Luminaire<br>'''Symmetric Distribution:'''<br>OPP-250-S-QV-SR-SA<br>'''Asymmetric Distribution:'''<br>OPP-250-A-QV-SR-SA
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT WideLite OptraLuminaire.pdf|Optra Area Luminaire]]<br>'''Symmetric Distribution:'''<br>OPP-250-S-QV-SR-SA<br>'''Asymmetric Distribution:'''<br>OPP-250-A-QV-SR-SA
Line 320: Line 408:
|[http://www.sentrylighting.com/ Sentry]
|[http://www.sentrylighting.com/ Sentry]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI CAT Sentry DecorativeDowntownLuminaire.pdf|SGO-150HPS-240V-MT-III-BK (No Finial)]]<br>
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Sentry DecorativeDowntownLuminaire.pdf|SGO-150HPS-240V-MT-III-BK (No Finial)]]<br>
:[http://www.sentrylighting.com/IESFilesList.aspx?pid=153<i>IES File: SGO-150HPS-III</i>]
:[http://www.sentrylighting.com/IESFilesList.aspx?pid=153<i>IES File: SGO-150HPS-III</i>]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI MEM Sentry DecorativeDowntownLuminaire.pdf|5/5/03]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Sentry DecorativeDowntownLuminaire.pdf|5/5/03]]
Line 336: Line 424:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|<font color="red">This fixture is no<br>longer being manufactured.</font>
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>1A/LET26SCH3/400HPS240/**/BF<br>HA33L-TM1/HF2/HAF2<br><br>''This has to be a tenon mount<br>because of the fluted signal pole shaft''
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>1A/LET26SCH3/400HPS240/**<br>HA33L-TM1/HF2/HAF2<br><br>''This has to be a tenon mount<br>because of the fluted signal pole shaft''
Line 353: Line 441:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|<font color="red">This fixture is no<br>longer being manufactured.</font>
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>1A/LET26SCH3/250HPS240/**/BF<br>HA33L/**/HAF2<br><br>''This does not require a tenon because<br>the pole is not  fluted.''
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>1A/LET26SCH3/250HPS240/**/BF<br>HA33L/**/HAF2<br><br>''This does not require a tenon because<br>the pole is not  fluted.''
Line 372: Line 460:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|<font color="red">This fixture is no<br>longer being manufactured.</font>
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>FM/LEB26SCH3/400HPS240/**/TF<br>Should accommodate 4.5” top pole O.D. w/ 0.188” wall
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>FM/LEB26SCH3/400HPS240/**/TF<br>Should accommodate 4.5” top pole O.D. w/ 0.188” wall
Line 389: Line 477:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|<font color="red">This fixture is no<br>longer being manufactured.</font>
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Lighting
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>2B/LET26SCH3/250HPS240/**/BF<br>Twin Bracket Arms @ 180 degrees<br>2B/HA33L/HAF2
|KIM Era  Lantern<br>2B/LET26SCH3/250HPS240/**/BF<br>Twin Bracket Arms @ 180 degrees<br>2B/HA33L/HAF2
Line 397: Line 485:
{{PQLNote|Twin Top Mounted<br>Single Curved Arm<br>Bottom Finial<br>250W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution<br>Ribbon Arm w/ top finial<br>** BL (Black FED-STD-595 #27038)}}
{{PQLNote|Twin Top Mounted<br>Single Curved Arm<br>Bottom Finial<br>250W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution<br>Ribbon Arm w/ top finial<br>** BL (Black FED-STD-595 #27038)}}

=== 95th St: Quivira Rd to Nieman Rd ===
=== 95th St & Quivira, 95th St & Oak Park East, and 95th St & Nieman Rd Intersections on Joint Use Signal Poles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
Line 433: Line 521:
{{PQLNote|250W or 400W HPS, 240V<br>Type III Distribution<br>CC - Custom Color (RAL 6012 Hunter Green)}}
{{PQLNote|250W or 400W HPS, 240V<br>Type III Distribution<br>CC - Custom Color (RAL 6012 Hunter Green)}}

== Light Poles ==
== Lamps ==
=== LED Lamps ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|<font color="red">Maintenance Only<br>Downtown Globes Only </font>
|[https://www.keystonetech.com// Keystone]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Keystone LEDLampInGlobe.pdf|KT-LED100PSHID-EX39-830-D-G4]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Keystone LEDLampInGlobe.pdf|5/22/2024]]
{{PQLNote|Only for installation only in the downtown Sentry Globe (SGO-150HPS-240V-MT-III-BK (No Finial)) fixtures.}}
==Outdoor Electrical Connections==
=== Outdoor Receptacle Covers ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://global.abb/group/en ABB]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT ABB OutdoorReceptacleCover.pdf|CKMUV]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM ABB OutdoorReceptacleCover.pdf|11/1/2021]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT ABB OutdoorReceptacleCover Front.JPG|Front]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT ABB OutdoorReceptacleCover Side.JPG|Side]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT ABB OutdoorReceptacleCover Open.JPG|Open]]
{{PQLNote|NEMA 3R<br>While-In-Use<br>Metal<br>Large enough to fit two electrical extension cords while the cover is fully closed}}
=== Outdoor Receptacles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.hubbell.com/ Hubbell]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Hubbell OutdoorReceptacle.pdf|GFTW20W]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Hubbell OutdoorReceptacle.pdf|11/1/2021]]
|[https://www.leviton.com/en Leviton]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Leviton OutdoorReceptacle.pdf|GFWT2]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Leviton OutdoorReceptacle.pdf|11/1/2021]]
{{PQLNote|GFCI<br>Commercial grade<br>Designed for wet and damp locations<br>Tamper-Resistant<br>LED status indicator}}
== Photocell ==
=== System Photocell Receptacle ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.acuitybrands.com/ Acuity]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Acuity Receptacle.pdf|DUR103]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Acuity Receptacle.pdf|11/9/2022]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Acuity Receptacle TopView.JPG|Top View]]<br>
[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Acuity Receptacle SideView.JPG|Side View]]<br>
[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Acuity Receptacle BottomView.JPG|Bottom View]]
{{PQLNote|Used on external disconnects for city buildings.}}
== Poles ==
=== Special Light Poles for City Parking Lots ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont A42365 Rev3.pdf|Dwg No. A42365 – Revision 3 - 05/31/23]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Valmont A42365 Rev3.pdf|7/27/2020]]
{{PQLNote|Pole height is 31'<br>Mount Pole ID Tag 2'5" up from base of pole to match typical 30' poles.<br>Designed for mounting lots of IT equipment<br>Field drilled 2" max dia holes shall be a minimum of 12" above and 90 degrees from the hand hole<br>Nylon hand hole screws<br>Poles installed at Sanders, Scafe, and Fire Station 41}}
=== Special Light Poles for Indian Creek Recreation Center Parking Lot ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/poles-and-posts Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI Valmont 30ftLightPole IndianCrkRecCenter.pdf|R-290845806T4-P9-DBL]]
=== 110th Street & Roundabout  Square Pole ===
=== 110th Street & Roundabout  Square Pole ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
Line 451: Line 653:
{{PQLNote|5” square, straight, steel - Black}}
{{PQLNote|5” square, straight, steel - Black}}

=== Community Center (Downtown) Parking Lot Pole ===
=== Matt Ross Community Center Parking Lot Pole ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
Line 461: Line 663:
|KW Industries
|[https://submittal.info/LoginMenu.asp KW Industries]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT KWIndustries MattRossLightPoles.pdf|RSP18-4.0-11-NA-DM10-BC]]
Line 481: Line 683:
|[http://www.hapco.com/ Hapco]
|[http://www.hapco.com/ Hapco]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI CAT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole.pdf|Dwg No. C19043 – 8/3/10]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole.pdf|Dwg No. C19043 – 8/3/10]]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI MEM Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole.pdf|8/5/10]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole.pdf|8/5/10]]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole Base.jpg|Base]]<br>[[media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole Handhole.jpg|Handhole]]<br>[[media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole BoltCover.jpg|Bolt Cover]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole Base.jpg|Base]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole Handhole.jpg|Handhole]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Hapco DecorativeDowntownPole BoltCover.jpg|Bolt Cover]]
{{PQLNote|Nylon hand hole screws}}
{{PQLNote|Nylon hand hole screws}}
Line 557: Line 759:
{{PQLNote|Shaft Length is 29’-3” or 39’-3” as specified<br>Color: Black FED-STD-595 #27038 or Hunter Green # RAL 6012}}
{{PQLNote|Shaft Length is 29’-3” or 39’-3” as specified<br>Color: Black FED-STD-595 #27038 or Hunter Green # RAL 6012}}

==Special Screw-In Foundations==
== Screw-In Foundations==
=== Screw-In Foundations for Downtown OP Pole ===
=== Screw-In Foundations for Downtown OP Pole ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
Line 569: Line 771:
|AB Chance
|AB Chance
|T112-03631701<br>Dwg No. SA11203631701 Rev A
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT ABChance DecorativeDowntownScrewInFoundation.pdf|T112-03631701<br>Dwg No. SA11203631701 Rev A]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM ABChance DecorativeDowntownScrewInFoundation.pdf|8/5/10]]
{{PQLNote|Used with Hapco Decorative Pole}}
{{PQLNote|Used with Hapco Decorative Pole}}
= Traffic Signal Speciality Items =
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-TS-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Traffic Signals form.]]}}
== Decorative Signal Poles ==
=== Mast Arm Poles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|95th    St & Nall Ave
|[https://valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPole 95thandNall.pdf|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Standard]]
|Finish/Color: F-306-GG
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
|[https://valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPole VisionMetcalf.pdf|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series]]
|Finish/Color: F-306-B
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
|Pole:  Tapered,  16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon<br>Mast Arm:  Smooth  Round Tapered<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|Finish/Color:  F-306 / RAL 8019 Medium Bronze
|Oak Park Mall<br>Signals along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|[https://valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPole OakParkMall.pdf|Standard pole and mast arm<br>Pole Cap: Spear Series]]
|Finish/Color: F-306-GG
{{PQLNote|Color Codes:<br>GG &#x003D; RAL 6012 OP Green<br>B &#x003D; Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black}}
=== Pedestal Poles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|83rd St & Metcalf Ave
|[https://valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont PedestalPole 83rd&Metcalf.pdf|Pole: Straight, Round, Smooth<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series]]
|Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
|95th St & Nall Ave
|[https://valmont.com/ Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont PedestalPole 95th&Nall.pdf|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted]]
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green
|Metcalf Corridor, <br>Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|Finish/Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
|Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted<br>Pole Cap: Metro Series
|Color:  RAL 8019  Medium Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Oak Park Mall Signals<br>along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|4 ½” dia straight pole<br>Pole Cap: Spear Series
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
{{PQLNote|Color Codes:<br>GG &#x003D; RAL 6012 OP Green<br>B &#x003D; Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black<br>Round and Fluted Poles are Spun Aluminum}}
=== Decorative Bases for Mast Arm Poles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|Oak Park Mall Signals<br>along 95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPoleContourBase.pdf|Contour Series<br>CN20AC, CN27AC & CN34AC]]
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|95th St & Nall Ave
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPoleWashingtonBase.pdf|Washington Series<br>WA25AB, WA30AB & WA36AB]]
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPoleSterlingBase.pdf|Sterling Series<br>|ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB]]
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|[[media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPoleSterlingBase.pdf|Sterling Series<br>|ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB]]
|Color:  RAL 8019 Medium Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)<br>83rd St, 81st St HAWK/PHB
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/base-covers Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont MastArmPoleHuntingtonBase.pdf|Huntington Series]]<br>
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
=== Decorative Bases for Pedestrian Poles ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
|Oak Park Mall Signals along<br>95th St and Quivira;<br>95th & Nieman
|Contour Series<br>CN18AC
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|95th & Nall
|Washington  Series<br>WA18AB
|Color:  RAL 6012 OP  Green<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
|Sterling Series<br>ST18AB
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
|Sterling Series<br>ST18AB
|Color:  RAL 8019 Medium Bronze<br>Finish: Powder Coat
|Metcalf Corridor,<br>Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)<br>83rd St, 81st St HAWK/PHB
|[https://www.valmontstructures.com/products-solutions/product-catalog/us/poles-and-posts Valmont]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Valmont PedestalPoleHuntingtonBase.pdf|Huntington Series]]<br>
|Color:  Fed-Std-595  #27038 Black<br>Finish: Powder Coat<br>Round, Non-tapered<br>There are non-public model numbers including increased pole wall thicknesses.  Have manufacturer provide model number based on loading.
{{PQLNote|Recommend using Valmont's integrated decorative base and pole rather than trying to add a decorative base over a standard pedestal pole.  This improves ease of access to wires in base.}}
== Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole ==
=== Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole and Foundation ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|<font color="red">Maintenance Only</font>
|AB Chance
|<u>Screw-in-Foundation</u>:<br>T1121363 / Dwg No. SA1121363<br><u>Ped Button Post:</u><br>T1121364 / Dwg No. SA1121364
{{PQLNote|Hot dip galvanized finished smooth.}}
=== Pole Base Cover ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
{{PQLNote|ABS Plastic. Square base with 3.5” diameter hole.<br>Two-piece cover – natural aluminum}}
==Solar Traffic Signal Equipment==
=== Batteries ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.concordebattery.com/ Concorde Battery Corp]<br>[https://www.sunxtender.com/ Sun Xtender]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Concorde Batteries.pdf| Sun Xtender Series]]
{{PQLNote|Size depends on the specific job requirements}}
=== Confimirmation Light ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://traffic.tomar.com/ Tomar Electronics]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Tomar ConfirmationLight.pdf|801 Mini I Strobe]]
=== Control Unit ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.solar-traffic-controls.com/ Solar Traffic Controls]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT SolarTrafficControl DigitalPowerController.pdf|DPC-2000]]
=== DC LED Kits ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.solar-traffic-controls.com/ Solar Traffic Controls]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT SolarTrafficControl DCLEDKit.pdf|12" Amber: 8412A2385]]
=== Solar Cabinet Enclosure ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.solar-traffic-controls.com/ Solar Traffic Controls]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT SolarTrafficControls CabinetEnclsoure.pdf|2B Enclosure]]
=== Solar Panel ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.amerescosolar.com/ Ameresco Solar]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Ameresco SolarPanel.pdf|60W Solar Panel: Model- 60J]]
{{PQLNote|Wattage and Size depends on the specific job requirements}}
=== Smart Relay ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://us.idec.com/ IDEC Corp]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT IDEC SmartRelay.pdf|xxxxx]]
=== Strobeswitch ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://traffic.tomar.com/ Tomar Electronics]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Tomar StrobeswitchDetector.pdf|1790-1014]]
= Biking Speciality Items =
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SGN-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Permanent Signing form.]]}}
== Bike Racks ==
=== Standard Racks ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.dero.com// Dero]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Dero InvertedUHeavyDuty.pdf|Inverted-U Hoop Rack Heavy Duty]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Dero InvertedUHeavyDuty.pdf|11/13/2024]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Dero InvertedUHeavyDuty.JPG|Rack]]
=== Downtown OP ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.dero.com// Dero]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Dero BikeHitchGreenOPGroundMount.PDF|1004374-A Ground Mount]]<br>
[[Media:TRF PQL SI CAT Dero BikeHitchGreenOPSurfaceMount.PDF|1004373-A Surface Mount]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI MEM Dero BikeHitchGreenOP.pdf|10/10/2022]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Dero HitchGreenShadow.JPG|Hitch]]<br>
[[Media:TRF PQL SI PHOT Dero HitchGreenLine.JPG|Installed]]
{{PQLNote|In-ground mount has held up better than the surface mount.}}
= Bus Stop Speciality Items =
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SGN-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Permanent Signing form.]]}}
== Bus Shelter  ==
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.brasco.com/products/bus-stop-shelters/// Brasco]
|[[Media:2023-Techline-Series-Shelter.pdf|Techline Shelter]]
|[    -    ]
|[[Media:Shelter_image.jpeg |Shelter]]
{{PQLNote| 4' wide with narrow side walls, 8' lenghth, Full hight walls, Aluminum sheet barrel roof}}
== Bus Bench==
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.brasco.com/products/street-furniture/benches/curveline/// Brasco]
|[[Media:2023-Curveline-Bench.pdf|Curveline Bench]]
|[    -    ]
|[[Media:curveline_bench.jpeg |Bench]]
{{PQLNote| 4' length, Perforated aluminum}}
= EV Charging Speciality Items =
{{Note|<b>All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.</b><br>The following items should be listed on the [[Media:TRF-PQL-SL-CSF.docx|Contractor Submittal for Streetlighting form.]]}}
== Electrical Meter Control Center ==
=== Electrical Meter Control Center ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Approved for use at:<br>
Scheels Soccer Complex<br>
Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead
|[http://www.milbankmfg.com/ Milbank]

Latest revision as of 20:14, 5 February 2025

Return to Approved Materials
Side arrow 80x66.png

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: This document is provided as a benefit to contractors and suppliers who are bidding projects for the City of Overland Park. Only products identified on this list will be approved for installation on City construction projects. This list shall not be used as a substitute for catalog cuts or material approval. All material approvals shall be submitted on the approved City of Overland Park Contract Project Submittal form. The form is available at City Hall by contacting Bruce Wacker at (913) 895-6027. Failure to comply will be cause for rejection of materials until proper submittals are received. This list is updated periodically. The contractor or supplier shall contact the City of Overland Park to make sure that they have the most current list prior to bidding a project. Failure to do so shall not constitute a legitimate claim for change orders. Before accessing any links, the City recommends that the user delete browsing history to insure the latest catalog cut information is displayed correctly.

Permanent Signing Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Street Lighting form.

LED Sign Borders

91st St and Glenwood

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
TraffiCalm Controller & 30W Solar Panel
36" Stop Sign Flasher Ring
7/23/21 Cable Connection
LED Border
Solar Panel

Streetlighting Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Street Lighting form.


Downtown Streetscape

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
KIM Lighting VRB1-20L4KUV-BL 4/9/20 Bollard

Bracket Arms

Residential Side Mount Streetlight Adapter Arm for Small Cell Pole

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Sentry SAL-WSB-PB 3/26/19
Used only on small cell poles in areas with residential post top luminaires - Black

Slip Fitter Arm at Indian Creek Recreation Center Parking Lot

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Valmont 1HT90H24 3/21/16

Decorative Light Bases

Indian Creek Park Recreation Center Parking Lot

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Valmont CH22AC-DBL 3/21/16

Light Fixtures

Specialty luminaires shall have stickers denoting pertinant information on the luminaire housing when feasible as described below. Specialty luminaires shall have a specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:



Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5). Some possible examples of these combinations are shown below.

Luminaire Housing Sticker Designs.jpg
Possible Specialty Luminaire Sticker Combinations

Myron Scafe, Jack Sanders, and Westgate Parking Lots

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
American Electric Lighting Autobahn ATB2

Class A:
Standard Gray Finish:
None currently installed.
Special Black Finish:
None currently installed.

IES File: ATB2_80B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies

Class B:
Standard Gray Finish, Type 3 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:
Installed at Sanders (MR-1883) and Scafe (MR-1882).
Standard Gray Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:
Installed at Sanders (MR-1883) and Scafe (MR-1882).
Special Black Finish:
None currently installed.

IES File: ATB2_60B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies

Class C:
Standard Gray Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:
Proposed at City parking lot east of Marty and north of 80th St (SL-2550).
Special Black Finish:
None currently installed.

IES File: ATB2_40B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies

Autobahn ATB0
Class D:
Standard Gray Finish:

None currently installed.
Special Black Finish:
None currently installed.

IES File: ATB0_30B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies

Class E:
Standard Gray Finish:

None currently installed.
Special Black Finish, Type 3 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:
Installed at Westgate (MR-1762).

IES File: ATB0_20B_LED_E70_XXXXX_R#.ies
Approved as part of project MR-1882 and MR-1883 plans in 2020. Top View

Bottom View
Side View
Back View
Bird Guard
Driver Compartment
Wiring Compartment
Wiring Terminal
Level Bubble
Housing Latch

10 Year Warranty.
CCT = 4,000K.
Light distribution optic type = Varies.
7 Pin twistlock photocell receptacle with shorting cap.
For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.
Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

City Hall, Deanna Rose Farmstead, Fire Training Center, Soccer Complex, Blue Valley Maintenance, St. Andrews, and Tomahawk Ridge Parking Lots

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Classes were approximated to typical streetlight LEDs based on lumen output. NLS Lighting NV Series

Class C:
Various Color Finishes, Type 4 Distribution, 5,000 Kelvin:

IES File: NV-1-T4-32L-1-50K.IES

Class D:
Black Finish, Type 4 Distribution, 5,000 Kelvin:
Soccer Complex Short Poles

IES File: NV-1-T4-16L-1-50K.IES
Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
CCT = 5,000K.
Light distribution optic type = Varies.
For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.
Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

Deanna Rose Farmstead East Lot, Jack Sanders, and St. Andrews Tennis Courts

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Classes were approximated to typical streetlight LEDs based on lumen output. NLS Lighting NV Series

Class C:
Various Color Finishes, Type 2 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:

IES File: NV-1-T2-32L-1-40K.IES

Various Color Finishes, Type 5 Distribution, 4,000 Kelvin:

IES File: NV-1-T5-32L-1-40K.IES
Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
CCT = 4,000K.
Light distribution optic type = Varies.
For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.
Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

Dennis Garrett

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Leotek GreenCobra GCL1

Class A:
Standard Gray Finish:

IES File: GCL1-80J-MV-40K-5-XX-220 S.ies

Class B
Standard Gray Finish:

IES File: GCL1-80J-MV-40K-4-XX-190 S.ies

GreenCobra Midsize GCM1
Class C Type 2:
Standard Gray Finish:


IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-2R-XX-125 S.ies

Class C Type 4:
Standard Gray Finish:


IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-XX-125 S.ies

Class D:
Standard Gray Finish:


IES File: GCM1-60J-MV-40K-4-XX-105 S.ies
Approved as part of PB-2068 project in 2022.
CCT = 4,000K.
Light distribution optic type = Varies.
For design purposes, correct photometric file is listed for each fixture. Download the file from the manufacturer's web page.
Needs a photocell on top as there is no cabinet controlling the lights with a photocell.
Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

Antioch & I-435 Bridge Decorative Fixture

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Bega 8189P-Blk-120 w/ GE 12870 Fluorescent lamp
Shop Drawing
120 Volt, Black, Fluorescent lamp

110th Street & Lamar Roundabout Decorative Fixture

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Type III Distribution, LED, Black.
7 Pin twistlock photocell receptacle with shorting cap.
Approximately Class B lumen output.
Acuity Lithonia RSX1 3/21/2022
These are for replacement
of existing heads only.
This fixture is no longer approved.

Type II Distribution, 400W MH, Black
Gardco Lighting Gullwing #G18-1-2XL-400-MH-240-BLP 4/26/02
Shall have specialty label based on LED class, light distribution type, and kelvin on fixture housing. Sticker label shall read:
Where X = LED Class (A, B, C, D, E); Y = Light Distribution Type (2, 3, 4, 5); and Z = Kelvin, in thousands (3, 4, 5).

110th & Lamar Roundabout Landscape Fixture

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Hydrel 4710A-175M-120-SP-ISSDLA-BZ 4/26/02
175W MH, Bronze

Wall Packs

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Installed at:
Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
Holophane WCNG P4 40K U4W MVOLT ZT 20KV BZSDP LTCH PR7 DF AO SH 11/15/2023
Installed at:
Antioch & I-435 Bicycle Tunnel
Indian Creek Bicycle Trail under I-435
These are for replacement of existing Liton heads only.
Liton WLP32-120W 6/27/2023 Side
Adjustable Output is approved.
For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses.
Trail lighting separate from an adjacent roadway will be designed with adjustable output codes to adjust the average maintained illuminance between 1.0 footcandle and 3.7 footcandle and a 3:1 average:minimum uniformity.

Soffit Lights

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Installed at:
Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
Holophane PPSQL2-P20-40K-MVOLT-GL-T5R-SSM-AO
Adjustable Output is approved.
For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses.
Trail lighting separate from an adjacent roadway will be designed with adjustable output codes to adjust the average maintained illuminance between 1.0 footcandle and 3.7 footcandle and a 3:1 average:minimum uniformity.
Order with Bird Shroud.

Wall-Mounted Type 2 Junction Box

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Installed at:
Locations TBD along US-69 ETL Project
Hubbell RSC121808NKSS 12/13/2013
For use in tunnels and bridge underpasses as a wall mounted junction box.

133rd & Lamar; 132nd Street & US-69 Overpass; Vineyards and Mills Farm Roundabouts

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
These are for replacement
of existing heads only.
This fixture is no longer approved.
Architectural Area Lighting PRMSH3150HPS-Mogul-240MT-BLK-06A-1814 Sleeve 8/28/06
Promenade – Black
Mogul base lamp and reflector system

Photometric curve

Matt Ross Community Center Parking Lot Fixture

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Wide Lite/
Genlyte Company
Optra Area Luminaire
Symmetric Distribution:
Asymmetric Distribution:
250W MH
Segmented reflector with vertical lamp
Multi-tap ballast
Satin Aluminum finish
Arm mount to round pole

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Downtown OP

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Sentry SGO-150HPS-240V-MT-III-BK (No Finial)

95th St & Nall Ave;
71st St & Metcalf Ave;
75th St & Metcalf Ave;
87th St & Metcalf Ave

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos Comments
This fixture is no
longer being manufactured.
KIM Lighting KIM Era Lantern

This has to be a tenon mount
because of the fluted signal pole shaft
1/26/09 Single Top Mounted, Single Curved Arm,
400W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution
TM!= Tenon Mount Ribbon Arm
HF2/ HAF2 = Two Finials
** = Custom Color
RAL 6012 (Hunter Green)
BL (Black FED-STD-595 #27038)

79th St & Metcalf Ave

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
This fixture is no
longer being manufactured.
KIM Lighting KIM Era Lantern

This does not require a tenon because
the pole is not fluted.
Single Top Mounted
Single Curved Arm
250W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution
HAF2 - Finial on the top arm stud
** - Custom Color
RAL 8019 Dark Bronze

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159th Street Bridge Over US-69 Highway

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
This fixture is no
longer being manufactured.
KIM Lighting KIM Era Lantern
Should accommodate 4.5” top pole O.D. w/ 0.188” wall
Post Top Flush Mounted
Single Curved Arm
Top Finial
400W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution
** BL (Black FED-STD-595 #27038)

127th Street (Metcalf Ave to Nall Ave)

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
This fixture is no
longer being manufactured.
KIM Lighting KIM Era Lantern
Twin Bracket Arms @ 180 degrees
Twin Top Mounted
Single Curved Arm
Bottom Finial
250W HPS, 240V, Type III Distribution
Ribbon Arm w/ top finial
** BL (Black FED-STD-595 #27038)

95th St & Quivira, 95th St & Oak Park East, and 95th St & Nieman Rd Intersections on Joint Use Signal Poles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
KIM Lighting KIM Warp 9 HPS – Single w/2” slipfitter for Type A or B arm
400W HPS, 240V
Type III Distribution
CC - Custom Color (RAL 6012 Hunter Green)

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Quivira Road: 95th St. to 99th St.

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
KIM Lighting KIM Warp 9 HPS – Twin Std Arms
KIM Warp 9 HPS – Single Std Arm
250W or 400W HPS, 240V
Type III Distribution
CC - Custom Color (RAL 6012 Hunter Green)


LED Lamps

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Maintenance Only
Downtown Globes Only
Keystone KT-LED100PSHID-EX39-830-D-G4 5/22/2024
Only for installation only in the downtown Sentry Globe (SGO-150HPS-240V-MT-III-BK (No Finial)) fixtures.

Outdoor Electrical Connections

Outdoor Receptacle Covers

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
ABB CKMUV 11/1/2021 Front
Large enough to fit two electrical extension cords while the cover is fully closed

Outdoor Receptacles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Hubbell GFTW20W 11/1/2021
Leviton GFWT2 11/1/2021
Commercial grade
Designed for wet and damp locations
LED status indicator


System Photocell Receptacle

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Acuity DUR103 11/9/2022 Top View

Side View
Bottom View

Used on external disconnects for city buildings.


Special Light Poles for City Parking Lots

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Valmont Dwg No. A42365 – Revision 3 - 05/31/23 7/27/2020
Pole height is 31'
Mount Pole ID Tag 2'5" up from base of pole to match typical 30' poles.
Designed for mounting lots of IT equipment
Field drilled 2" max dia holes shall be a minimum of 12" above and 90 degrees from the hand hole
Nylon hand hole screws
Poles installed at Sanders, Scafe, and Fire Station 41

Special Light Poles for Indian Creek Recreation Center Parking Lot

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Valmont R-290845806T4-P9-DBL 3/21/2016

110th Street & Roundabout Square Pole

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Gardco Lighting #SSS 30-5-11-BLP 4/26/02
5” square, straight, steel - Black

Matt Ross Community Center Parking Lot Pole

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
KW Industries RSP18-4.0-11-NA-DM10-BC 3/21/06
Round Steel
Satin Aluminum finish
Arm mount option

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Decorative Poles for Downtown OP and 132nd Street Bridge over US-69 Highway

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Hapco Dwg No. C19043 – 8/3/10 8/5/10 Base
Bolt Cover
Nylon hand hole screws

Special Pole for 159th Street Bridge over US-69 Highway

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Hapco Dwg No. SKKP110211B -1 11/2/11 11/11/11
Valmont Dwg No. LH30800 – 10/17/11 11/1/11
Shaft Length is 29’-3” or 39’-3” as specified
Color: Black FED-STD-595 #27038 or Hunter Green # RAL 6012

Special Pole for Era Lantern Bolt Pattern 127th St (Metcalf to Nall)

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Dwg No. SKKP110211A-001 –Single
Dwg No. SKKP110211A-002 – Twin
Dwg No. SKKP012011A-001 –Single
Dwg No. SKKP012011A-002 – Twin
Pole Cap & Finial – F0004
Valmont OP301-LANTERN
Shaft Length is 29’-3” or 39’-3” as specified
Pole Cap & Finial
Color: Black FED-STD-595 #27038 or Hunter Green # RAL 6012

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Special Pole for Warp9 Bolt Pattern Quivira Rd (99th to 95th)

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Hapco OP301-WARP
Dwg No. SKKP110211C-001 – Single
Dwg No. SKKP110211C-002 – Twin
Dwg No SKKP013111A-001 – Single
Dwg No SKKP013111A-002 – Twin
Valmont OP301-WARP
Shaft Length is 29’-3” or 39’-3” as specified
Color: Black FED-STD-595 #27038 or Hunter Green # RAL 6012

Screw-In Foundations

Screw-In Foundations for Downtown OP Pole

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
AB Chance T112-03631701
Dwg No. SA11203631701 Rev A
Used with Hapco Decorative Pole

Traffic Signal Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Traffic Signals form.

Decorative Signal Poles

Mast Arm Poles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos Comments
95th St & Nall Ave Valmont Pole: Tapered, 16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon
Mast Arm: Smooth Round Tapered
Pole Cap: Standard
Finish/Color: F-306-GG
Metcalf Corridor,
Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
Valmont Pole: Tapered, 16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon
Mast Arm: Smooth Round Tapered
Pole Cap: Metro Series
Finish/Color: F-306-B
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
Valmont Pole: Tapered, 16-Sharp Fluted w/ 2.875” OD x 4” L Tenon
Mast Arm: Smooth Round Tapered
Pole Cap: Metro Series
Finish/Color: F-306 / RAL 8019 Medium Bronze
Oak Park Mall
Signals along 95th St and Quivira;
95th & Nieman
Valmont Standard pole and mast arm
Pole Cap: Spear Series
Finish/Color: F-306-GG
Color Codes:
GG = RAL 6012 OP Green
B = Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black

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Pedestal Poles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos Comments
83rd St & Metcalf Ave Valmont Pole: Straight, Round, Smooth
Pole Cap: Metro Series
Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
95th St & Nall Ave Valmont Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Metcalf Corridor,
Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
Valmont Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted
Pole Cap: Metro Series
Finish/Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
Valmont Pole: Straight, 16-Flat Fluted
Pole Cap: Metro Series
Color: RAL 8019 Medium Bronze
Finish: Powder Coat
Oak Park Mall Signals
along 95th St and Quivira;
95th & Nieman
Valmont 4 ½” dia straight pole
Pole Cap: Spear Series
Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Finish: Powder Coat
Color Codes:
GG = RAL 6012 OP Green
B = Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Round and Fluted Poles are Spun Aluminum

Decorative Bases for Mast Arm Poles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos Comments
Oak Park Mall Signals
along 95th St and Quivira;
95th & Nieman
Valmont Contour Series
Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Finish: Powder Coat
95th St & Nall Ave Valmont Washington Series
Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
Valmont Sterling Series
|ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB
Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
Valmont Sterling Series
|ST24AB, ST25AB & ST31AB
Color: RAL 8019 Medium Bronze
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
83rd St, 81st St HAWK/PHB
Valmont Huntington Series
Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Finish: Powder Coat

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Decorative Bases for Pedestrian Poles

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos Comments
Oak Park Mall Signals along
95th St and Quivira;
95th & Nieman
Valmont Contour Series
Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Finish: Powder Coat
95th & Nall Valmont Washington Series
Color: RAL 6012 OP Green
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Excluding Downtown Form Based Code Extents
Valmont Sterling Series
Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
Valmont Sterling Series
Color: RAL 8019 Medium Bronze
Finish: Powder Coat
Metcalf Corridor,
Within Downtown Form Based Code Extents (Inclusive)
83rd St, 81st St HAWK/PHB
Valmont Huntington Series
Color: Fed-Std-595 #27038 Black
Finish: Powder Coat
Round, Non-tapered
There are non-public model numbers including increased pole wall thicknesses. Have manufacturer provide model number based on loading.
Recommend using Valmont's integrated decorative base and pole rather than trying to add a decorative base over a standard pedestal pole. This improves ease of access to wires in base.

Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole

Pedestrian Pushbutton Pole and Foundation

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Maintenance Only AB Chance Screw-in-Foundation:
T1121363 / Dwg No. SA1121363
Ped Button Post:
T1121364 / Dwg No. SA1121364
Hot dip galvanized finished smooth.

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Pole Base Cover

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Lithonia RSS FBC 3-5IN RND JMA 1751 DNA 1/7/13
ABS Plastic. Square base with 3.5” diameter hole.
Two-piece cover – natural aluminum

Solar Traffic Signal Equipment


Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Concorde Battery Corp
Sun Xtender
Sun Xtender Series 3/25/22
Size depends on the specific job requirements

Confimirmation Light

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Tomar Electronics 801 Mini I Strobe 3/25/22

Control Unit

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Solar Traffic Controls DPC-2000 3/25/22


Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Solar Traffic Controls 12" Amber: 8412A2385 3/25/22

Solar Cabinet Enclosure

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Solar Traffic Controls 2B Enclosure 3/25/22

Solar Panel

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Ameresco Solar 60W Solar Panel: Model- 60J 3/25/22
Wattage and Size depends on the specific job requirements

Smart Relay

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
IDEC Corp xxxxx 3/25/22


Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Tomar Electronics 1790-1014 3/25/22

Biking Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Permanent Signing form.

Bike Racks

Standard Racks

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Dero Inverted-U Hoop Rack Heavy Duty 11/13/2024 Rack

Downtown OP

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Dero 1004374-A Ground Mount

1004373-A Surface Mount

10/10/2022 Hitch


In-ground mount has held up better than the surface mount.

Bus Stop Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Permanent Signing form.

Bus Shelter

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Brasco Techline Shelter [ - ] Shelter
4' wide with narrow side walls, 8' lenghth, Full hight walls, Aluminum sheet barrel roof

Bus Bench

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Brasco Curveline Bench [ - ] Bench
4' length, Perforated aluminum

EV Charging Speciality Items

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: All materials listed on this Specialty Items page are not standard and shall require variance or special permission by the City to incorporate into projects.
The following items should be listed on the Contractor Submittal for Streetlighting form.

Electrical Meter Control Center

Electrical Meter Control Center

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Approved for use at:

Scheels Soccer Complex
Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead

Milbank CP3B54C1ERAOSP1 9/20/2022