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{{Note|This document is provided as a benefit to contractors and suppliers who are bidding projects for the City of Overland Park. Only products identified on this list will be approved for installation on City construction projects. This list shall not be used as a substitute for catalog cuts or material approval. All material approvals shall be submitted on the approved City of Overland Park Contract Project Submittal form.  The form is available at City Hall by contacting Bruce Wacker at (913) 895-6027.  Failure to comply will be cause for rejection of materials until proper submittals are received.  This list is updated periodically.  The contractor or supplier shall contact the City of Overland Park to make sure that they have the most current list prior to bidding a project.  Failure to do so shall not constitute a legitimate claim for change orders.}}
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[http://ppm.opkansas.org/wiki/index.php/Contractor_Submittal_Forms '''Contractor Submittal Forms''']
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== Cables ==
== Cables ==
=== Fiber Optic Cable ===
=== ''Ethernet Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Fiber Optic Cable'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Quiktron is a subsidiary<br>of Legrand
|[https://www.legrand.us/ Legrand/Quiktron]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quiktron EthernetCable.pdf|541-110-006 (ft)]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Quiktron EthernetCable.pdf|7/28/15]]
|Alcoa AFL Telecommunications||LE1449CC101N1 – 144 Count<br>LE0729C6101N1 – 72 Count<br>LE0129C5101N1 – 12 Count<br>LE0069C5101N1 – 6 Count||7/27/2004||rowspan="6"|Single Mode Fiber<br>Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable

=== ''Fiber Optic Patch Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Chromatic Technologies||D740L12-144-010X – 144 Count<br>D740L12-72-010X – 72 Count<br>D740L6-36-010X – 36 Count<br>D740L6-12-010X – 12 Count<br>D740L6-06-010X – 6 Count||10/21/2002
|[http://www.icc.com/ ICC]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ICC PatchCable.pdf|ICFOJ3M302]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM ICC PatchCable.pdf|7/15/08]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ICC PatchCable.jpg|Patch Cable]]
|Corning Cable Systems||ALTOS All-Dielectric Gel-Free Cables<br>144EW4-T4101D20 – 144 Count<br>072EW4-T4101D20 – 72 Count<br>036EW4-T4101D20 – 36 Count<br>012EW4-T4101D20 – 12 Count||7/2/2007
|[http://www.majorcustomcable.com/ Major Custom Cables]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT MajorCustomCable PatchCable.pdf|FXDSLCST-XM]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM MajorCustomCables PatchCable.pdf|8/7/09]]
|Draka Comteq||F-ETH1JKT-12-ES-144-E3 – 144 Ct<br>F-ETH1JKT-12-ES-072-E3 – 72 Ct<br>F-ETH1JKT-12-ES-036-E3 – 36 Ct<br>F-ETH1JKT-12-ES-012-E3 – 12 Ct||8/24/2011
|Quiktron is a subsidiary<br>of Legrand
|[https://www.legrand.us/ Legrand/Quiktron]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quiktron PatchCable.pdf|L1-0203B3JY20002M Q-Series LC-ST]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Quiktron PatchCable.pdf|7/28/15]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quiktron PatchCable.JPG|Patch Cable]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quiktron PatchCable LC.JPG|LC Connector]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quiktron PatchCable ST.JPG|ST Connector]]
{{PQLNote|ST-LC connectors, 6' duplex, single mode<br>Connection from ITS Termination Drop Cable to Ethernet Switch}}
=== ''Fiber Optic Plenum Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Mohawk||M9X509 – 144 Count<br>M9X507 – 72 Count<br>M9X502 – 36 Count<br>M9X511 – 12 Count<br>M9X510 – 6 Count||11/3/2005
|[https://www.belden.com/ Belden]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden PlenumCableCatalogNomenclature.pdf|Tight-Bufferred Aluminum Interlocked Armor Plenum Cable Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 96CtPlenumCable.pdf|FISD096AK - 96-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 72CtPlenumCable.pdf|FISD072AK - 72-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 24CtPlenumCable.pdf|FISD024A9 - 24-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 12CtPlenumCable.pdf|FISD012A9 - 12-Ct]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Belden PlenumCable.pdf|11/17/21]]
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home/products.html Corning Cable Systems]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 36to144-CtPlenumCable.pdf|Tight-Buffered Interlocking Armored Plenum Cable (36 - 144 Fiber) Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 96-CtPlenumCable.pdf|096E88-T3131-A3 - 96-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 72-CtPlenumCable.pdf|072E88-T3131-A3 - 72-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 2to24-CtPlenumCable.pdf|Tight-Buffered Interlocking Armored Plenum Cable (2 - 24 Fiber) Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 24-CtPlenumCable.pdf|024E88-33131-A3 - 24-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 12-CtPlenumCable.pdf|012E88-33131-A3 - 12-Ct]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning PlenumCable.pdf|6/1/20]]
{{PQLNote|Single Mode Fiber}}

|Superior Essex||111443101 – 144 Count<br>110723101 – 72 Count<br>110363T01 – 36 Count<br>110123T01 – 12 Count<br>110063101 – 6 Count||4/22/2005
=== ''Fiber Optic Riser Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.belden.com/ Belden]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden RiserCableCatalogNomenclature.pdf|Tight-Buffered Aluminum Interlocked Armor Riser Cable Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 144CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD144FK - 144-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 96CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD096FK - 96-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 72CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD072FK - 72-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 48CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD048FK - 48-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 36CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD036FJ - 36-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 24CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD024F9 - 24-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden 12CtRiserCable.pdf|FISD012F9 - 12-Ct]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Belden RiserCable.pdf|11/17/21]]
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home/products.html Corning Cable systems]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 36to144-CtRiserCable.pdf|MIC Tight-Buffered, Interlocking Armored Riser Cable (36 - 144 Fiber) Nomenclature<br>144E81-T3131-A1 - 144-Ct<br>096E81-T3131-A1 - 96-Ct<br>072E81-T3131-A1 - 72-Ct<br>048E81-T3131-A1 - 48-Ct<br>036E81-T3131-A1 - 36-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 2to24-CtRiserCable.pdf|MIC Tight-Buffered, Interlocking Armored Riser Cable (2 - 24 Fiber) Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 24CtRiserCable.pdf|024E81-33131-A1 - 24-Ct]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 12CtRiserCable.pdf|012E81-33131-A1 - 12-Ct]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning RiserCable.pdf|6/1/20]]
{{PQLNote|Single Mode Fiber}}

=== ''Loose Tube Fiber Optic Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.belden.com/ Belden]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Belden LooseTubeCable.pdf|FSSL1446D – 144 Ct<br>FSSL0966D – 96 Ct<br>FSSL0726D – 72 Ct<br>FSSL0486D – 48 Ct<br>FSSL0366D – 36 Ct<br>FSSL0246D – 24 Ct<br>FSSL0126D – 12 Ct]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Belden LooseTubeCable.pdf|12/29/22]]
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home/products.html Corning Cable Systems]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning LooseTubeCable.pdf|ALTOS All-Dielectric Gel-Free Cables Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 144CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|144ZUC-T4101D20 – 144 Count]]<br>096ZUC-T4101D20 – 96 Count<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning FastActLooseTubeCable.pdf|ALTOS All-Dielectric Gel-Free Cables w/ FastAccess Technology Nomenclature]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 72CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|072ZUC-T4F22D20 – 72 Count]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 48CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|048ZUC-T4F22D20 – 48 Count]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 36CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|036ZUC-T4F22D20 – 36 Count]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 24CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|024ZUC-T4F22D20 – 24 Count]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 12CtLooseTubeCable.pdf|012ZUC-T4F22D20 – 12 Count]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning LooseTubeCable.pdf|2/25/2020]]

=== Fiber Optic Plenum Cable ===
{{PQLNote|Single Mode Fiber <br>Single Jacket, Single Armored Loose Tube Cable}}
=== ''#10 AWG System Tracer Wire'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Fiber Optic Plenum Cable'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.cerrowire.com/ Cerowire Wire & Cable Co., Inc.]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Cerro TracerCable.pdf|112-3801-03-X]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Cerro TracerCable.pdf|5/5/03]]
|[http://www.encorewire.com/ Encore Wire LTD]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Encore TracerCable.pdf|UL file # E123774]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Encore TracerCable.pdf|8/1/03]]
|[https://www.republicwire.com/products Republic Wire]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT RepublicWire TracerCable.pdf|UL File E167613]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM RepublicWire TracerCable.pdf|5/8/23]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT RepublicWire TracerCable Label1.JPG|Label Name]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT RepublicWire TracerCable Label2.JPG|Label Cable Type]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT RepublicWire TracerCable Label3.JPG|Label UL File]]
|[http://www.southwire.com/Southwire.htm/ Southwire]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Southwire TracerCable.pdf|Red]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM SenatorSouthwire TracerCable.pdf|5/5/03]]
||Chromatic Technologies||800T12-144-010X – 144 Count<br>800T12-72-010X – 72 Count<br>800T6-36-010X – 36 Count<br>800S-06-010X – 6 Count||10/21/02||Single Mode Fiber

=== Fiber Optic Riser Cable ===
{{PQLNote|Red Insulation<br>Stranded copper #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2<br>600 volt}}
== Closet Connector Housing ==
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Fiber Optic Riser Cable'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home/products/fiber.html Corning Fiber]
|<u>Closet Connector Housing</u><br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning ClosetConnectorHousing.pdf|CCH-01U]]<br><u>Cassette Pigtails</u><br>6-CT Cassette Pigtail: [[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 6-CTCassettePigtail.pdf|CCH-CS06-6C-P00RE]]<br>12-CT Dual Cassette Pigtail: [[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 12-CTDualCassettePigtail.pdf|CCH-CS12-59-P00RE]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning ClosetConnectorHousing.pdf|5/19/22]]
||Chromatic Technologies||400T12-72-010X – 72 Count||10/21/02||Single Mode Fiber
{{PQLNote|Other equipment within the same family can also be used}}

=== Fiber Optic Patch Cable ===
== Conduit and Couplings ==
==='' HDPE Conduit'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Fiber Optic Patch Cable'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.bdiky.com/ Blue Diamond Industries]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT BlueDiamond 3inHDPECond.pdf|3" - BDI314OR]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT BlueDiamond 2inHDPECond.pdf|2" - BDI214OR]]
|rowspan="3"|ST-LC connectors, 6' duplex, single mode
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM BlueDiamond HDPECond.pdf|3/9/23]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT BlueDiamond 3inHDPECond Label.JPG|3" Cond Line Code]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT BlueDiamond 2inHDPECond Label.JPG|2" Cond Line Code]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT BlueDiamond HDPECond End.JPG|End View]]
| Major Custom Cables||FXDSLCST-XM||8/7/09
|[https://bulldogpipe.com/standard-hdpe-conduit/ Bulldog Pipe LLC]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Bulldog HDPEConduit.pdf|3” – C300SDR135ORSS//XX0PZZB <br> 2” – C200SDR135ORSS//XX0PZZB]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Bulldog HDPEConduit.pdf|2/12/25]]
|[[Media:RF PQL FO PHOT Bulldog HDPEConduit.JPG|3" Cond Line Code]]
|[http://www.duraline.com/ Dura-Line]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT DuraLine HDPEConduit.pdf|3” –  3SDR135ORG<br>2” –  2SDR135ORG]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM DuraLine HDPEConduit.pdf|3/28/13]]
|[https://www.endurancepoly.com/ Endurance]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Endurance HDPEConduit.pdf|3” – CH4ORNNA1SNXX<br> 2” - CF4ORNNA1SNXX]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Endurance HDPEConduit.pdf|2/13/25]]
| Quiktron||810-L27-LLL V-Series 2F LC-ST<br>(Drawing D100855)||8/5/10


=== #10 AWG System Tracer Wire ===
{{PQLNote|SDR13.5 all sizes<br>Orange color<br>Smooth solid wall<br>UV Stabilized}}
=== ''HDPE Couplings'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''#10 AWG System Tracer Wire'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Note'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.polywater.com/index.html American Polywater]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT AmericanPolywater Bonduit.pdf|Bonduit Conduit Adhesive]]<br>Use with standard Sch 40 PVC Couplings
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM AmericanPolywater Bonduit.pdf|10/11/10]]<br><br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM DuraLine ShurLockCoupling.pdf|7/10/14]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT AmericanPolywater Bonduit.JPG|Cartridge]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT AmericanPolywater Bonduit Equipment.JPG|Equipment]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT AmericanPolywater Bonduit Nozzle.JPG|Nozzle]]
| Cerowire Wire & Cable Co., Inc.||UL file # E15119||5/5/03||rowspan="6"|Red Insulation<br>Stranded copper #10 AWG THHN<br>600 volt
|[http://www.cable-tec.com/ Cabletec]
|HDPE to HDPE Coupling<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Cabletec Coupling.pdf|2” – AS 2.375<br>3” – AS 3.500]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Cabletec Coupling.pdf|8/2/01]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Cabletec Coupling.JPG|Coupling]]
| Encore Wire LTD||UL file # E123774||8/1/03
|[http://www.duraline.com Dura-Line]
|HDPE to HDPE Coupling or HDPE to PVC Coupling<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT DuraLine ShurLockCoupling.pdf|ShurLock II Couplings<br>2" - 20000123<br>3" - 20000173]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM DuraLine ShurLockCoupling.pdf|7/10/14]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT DuraLine ShurLockCoupling Side.JPG|Side View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT DuraLine ShurLockCoupling Label.jpg|Label]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT DuraLine ShurLockCoupling End.jpg|End View]]
| Essex Group, Inc.||Product Number 070101<br>UL File # E14656||2/1/01
|[http://www.gfcp.com/ Georg Fischer Central Plastics]
|HDPE to HDPE Electrofusion Couplings<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT GeorgFischerCentralPlastics Coupling.pdf|2” IPS  5760030<br>3” IPS  10000358]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM GeorgFischerCentralPlastics Coupling.pdf|5/5/06]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT GeorgFischerCentralPlastics Coupling Side.JPG|Side View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT GeorgFischerCentralPlastics Coupling Top.JPG|Top View]]

=== ''Expansion Couplings'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.alliedeg.us/ Allied Tube & Conduit]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT AlliedTube&Conduit ExpansionCoupling.pdf|1" - 789648<br>1 ½” - 789650<br>2" - 789651<br>3" - 789653<br>4" - 789655]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM AlliedTube&Conduit ExpansionCoupling.pdf|5/2/14]]
|[http://www.cantexinc.com Cantex]
|[[Media:Tr am cc fo Cantex Expansion Coupling.pdf|1” – 5144033<br>1 ½” – 5144035<br>2” – 5144036<br>3” – 5144038<br>4” – 5144040]]
|[[Media:Tr am fo expanisioncoupling cantex approvalmemo.pdf|5/5/03]]
|[http://www.heritageplastics.com Heritage Plastics]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT HeritagePlastics ExpansionCouplings.pdf|1” – 610276<br>1 ½” – 610278<br>2” – 610279<br>3” – 610281<br>4” – 610283]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM HeritagePlastics ExpansionCouplings.pdf|9/26/13]]
|style="background:#fff0f0;"| Closed 9/03
|style="background:#fff0f0;"| Rome||style="background:#fff0f0;"|2020 <br> UL file #13662||style="background:#fff0f0;"|5/5/03
|[http://www.ipexelectrical.com/Content/Products/Product.aspx?MarketSegmentId=0&ProductId=48&LanguageCode=en-CA IPEX Electrical Inc.]
|Size / Part Number / Product Code<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT IPEX ExpansionCoupling.pdf|1” / EJ20 / 077383<br>1 ½” / EJ30 / 077385<br> 2” / EJ35 / 077386<br> 3” / EJ45 / 077388<br>4” / EJ55 / 077390]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM IPEX ExpansionCoupling.pdf|9/26/13]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO NOTE PrimeConduit PurchaseCarlon.pdf|Prime Conduit<br>Purchased Carlon]]
|[http://www.primeconduit.com Prime Conduit]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT PrimeConduit ExpansionCoupling.pdf|1” – EC2PC100<br>1 ½” – EC2PC150<br>2” – EC2PC200<br>3” – EC2PC300<br>4” – EC2PC400]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM PrimeConduit ExpansionCoupling.pdf|9/26/13]]
| Senator / Southwire||Red – 22-97-57<br>UL file # E23919||5/5/03
|Formerly Plastic Trends<br>Royal Pipe Systems
|[http://www.royalbuildingproducts.com/?LangType=1033 Royal Building Products]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT RoyalBuilding ExpansionCoupling.pdf|1” – E016100<br>1 ½” – E016150<br>2” – E016200<br>3” – E016300<br>4” – E016400]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM RoyalBuilding ExpansionCoupling.pdf|9/26/13]]
| Service Wire||UL file # E105667||5/7/02
|Thomas & Betts<br>Purchased Carlon
|[http://www.tnb.com/pub/node/2 Thomas & Betts]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts 1inExpansionCoupling.pdf|1” – E945F]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts 1.5inExpansionCoupling.pdf|1 ½” – E945H]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts 2inExpansionCoupling.pdf|2” – E945J]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts 3inExpansionCoupling.pdf|3” – E945L]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts 4inExpansionCoupling.pdf|4” – E945N]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Thomas&Betts ExpansionCoupling.pdf|5/26/09]]

== Conduit and Couplings ==
=== ''Repair Couplings'' ===
=== HDPE Conduit ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''HDPE Conduit'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Note'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
| Dura-Line now owns<br>Arnco, Boreflex, Carlon<br>and Lamson Pipe||Dura-Line||3” –  3SDR135ORG<br>2” –  2SDR135ORG||3/28/13
| SDR13.5 all sizes<br>Orange color<br>Smooth solid wall<br>UV Stabilized
|[https://www.conduitrepair.com/ Conduit Repair Systems, Inc.]
|<u>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitConduit.pdf|Schedule 40 Split Conduit]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitConduit.pdf|<br>P2F - 2"<br>P3F - 3"]]<br><u>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitCouplings.pdf|Schedule 40 Split Couplings (Joining split conduit to split conduit)]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitCouplings.pdf|<br>RC2F - 2"<br>RC3F - 3"]]<br><u>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCouplings.pdf|Split Adapter Couplings (Joining Split Conduit to Standard Conduit)]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCouplings.pdf|<br>C2F - 2"<br>C3F - 3"]]<br><u>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems Split45Elbows.pdf|Schedule 40 Split 45° Sweeps]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems Split45Elbows.pdf|<br>S2F24H45 - 2" Horizontal 24" Radius<br>S2F24V45 - 2" Vertical 24" Radius<br>S3F24H45 - 3" Horizontal 24" Radius<br>S3F24V45 - 3" Vertical 24" Radius<br>S2F36H45 - 2" Horizontal 36" Radius<br>S2F36V45 - 2" Vertical 36" Radius<br>S3F36H45 - 3" Horizontal 36" Radius<br>S3F36V45 - 3" Vertical 36" Radius]]<br><u>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems Split90Elbows.pdf|Schedule 40 Split 90° Sweeps]]
|[[[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT ConduitRepairSystems Split90Elbows.pdf|<br>S2F24H90 - 2" Horizontal 24" Radius<br>S2F24V90 - 2" Vertical 24" Radius<br>S3F24H90 - 3" Horizontal 24" Radius<br>S3F24V90 - 3" Vertical 24" Radius<br>S2F36H90 - 2" Horizontal 36" Radius<br>S2F36V90 - 2" Vertical 36" Radius<br>S3F36H90 - 3" Horizontal 36" Radius<br>S3F36V90 - 3" Vertical 36" Radius]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM ConduitRepairSystems ConduitFittings.pdf|7/17/23]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCoupling Coupling.JPG|Split Adapter Coupling]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCoupling CenterStop.JPG|Split Adapter Coupling Center Stop]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCoupling EndView.JPG|Split Adapter Coupling End View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCoupling GluedJoint.JPG|Glued Split Adapter Coupling]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT ConduitRepairSystems SplitAdapterCoupling Label.JPG|Split Adapter Coupling Label]]
|[http://jcmindustries.com/products/repair-fittings/101-ucc-single-band-std-range JCM Industries]
|JCM 101 Series Universal Clamp Couplings<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT JCM RepairCoupling.pdf|2”: 101-0238-X<br>3”: 101-0350-X]]
|[[Media:TRM PQL FO MEM JCM RepairCoupling.pdf|5/23/16]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT JCM RepairCoupling Label.JPG|Label]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT JCM RepairCoupling BackView.JPG|Back View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT JCM RepairCoupling Gasket.JPG|Gasket]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT JCM RepairCoupling IsoView.JPG|Iso View]]

=== HDPE Couplings ===
{{PQLNote|X &#x003D; For JCM Repair Coupling: Width of the Clamp: 6", 7", 12", 15"<br>Used to repair damaged fiber optic conduit only at City discretion when it is not feasible to remove fiber cable and fusion splice conduit<br>Conduit Repair Systems, Inc. Split Adapter Coupling shall be used with Approved Adhesive (See Approved List under HDPE Couplings)}}
== Locating Materials ==
=== ''Tracer Cable'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''HDPE Couplings'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|American Polywater
|Bonduit Conduit Adhesive<br>Use only with Cantex Sch 40 PVC Longline Coupling:<br>2” – 6202000<br>3” - 6202005
|[http://adcable.com/products/industrial-wire-cable.html Advanced Digital Cable]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT AdvancedDigitalCable TracerCable.pdf|Red - 410RD]]<br>UL File # E208489
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM AdvancedDigitalCable TracerCable.pdf|5/20/16]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT AdvancedDigitalCable TracerCable.JPG|Cable]]
|2” AS 2.375<br>3” – AS 3.500
|[https://www.cerrowire.com/ Cerro Wire & Cable Co, Inc.]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Cerro TracerCable.pdf|Red 112-380103]]<br>UL file # E15119
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Cerro TracerCable.pdf|5/5/03]]
|Central Plastics Company
|Electrofusion Couplings<br>2” IPS  575-0042<br>3” IPS  575-0043
|[http://www.encorewire.com Encore Wire LTD]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Encore TracerCable.pdf|UL file # E123774]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Encore TracerCable.pdf|8/1/03]]
|PushLock Couplings<br>2” – 1-908353
|[http://www.southwire.com Southwire]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Southwire TracerCable.pdf|UL file # E14656]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Southwire TracerCable.pdf|8/21/03]]
|Tyco Electronics / Jackmoon
|Moon-Link Transparent Duct Coupling<br>2” – 20TC238SP<br>3” – 30TC350SP
|[http://www.unitedcopper.com United Copper Industries]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT UnitedCopperIndustries TracerCable.pdf|UL file # E194031-A]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM UnitedCopperIndustries TracerCable.pdf|5/26/09]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT UnitedCopperInd TracerCable Cable.JPG|Cable]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT UnitedCopperInd TracerCable JacketLabel.JPG|Jacket Label]]
|Pro-Poly CA Adhesive<br>Use only with Cantex Sch 40 PVC Longline Coupling:<br>
2” – 6202000<br>3” - 6202005

=== Expansion Couplings ===
{{PQLNote|Stranded copper<br>THHN/THWN #10 AWG<br>Red Jacket Insulation}}
==='' Ground Rods'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Expansion Couplings'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Note'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.erico.com/products.asp?folderid=46 Erico Inc.]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Erico-Eritech Groundrod.pdf|615880]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Erico-Eritech Groundrod.pdf|2/27/02]]
|[https://galvanelectrical.com/ Galvan Industries]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Galvan GroundRod.pdf|6258]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Galvan GroundRod.pdf|12/20/13]]
|[http://www.cantexinc.com/ Cantex]
|[http://www.hubbellpowersystems.com/pole-line/grounding/copper Hubbell]
|[[media:Tr am cc fo Cantex Expansion Coupling.pdf |1” – 5144033<br>1 ½” – 5144035<br>2” – 5144036<br>3” – 5144038<br>4” – 5144040]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Hubbell GroundRod.pdf|C615880]]
|[[media:Tr am fo expanisioncoupling cantex approvalmemo.pdf|5/5/03]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Hubbell Groundrod.pdf|4/24/12]]
|[http://www.tnb.ca/en/web-catalogue Thomas & Betts]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts Groundrod.pdf|6258]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Thomas&Betts GroundRod.pdf|5/5/03]]
|Formerly Carlon
|Thomas & Betts
|1” – E945F<br>1 ½” – E945H<br>2” – E945J<br>3” – E945L<br>4” – E945N
{{PQLNote|5/8” x 8’-0” long<br>Copper clad steel core<br>UL listed}}

=== Repair Couplings ===
=== ''Ground Rod Clamp'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Repair Couplings'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Note'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[http://www.burndy.com/home Burndy]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Burndy GroundRodClamp.pdf|GRC58 – 5/8”]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Burndy GroundRodClamp.pdf|2/27/02]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Burndy GroundRodClamp.JPG|Clamp]]
|Formerly Carlon
|Thomas & Betts
|[http://www.erico.com/products.asp?folderid=46 Erico Inc.]
|Split Duct Coupling<br>2” 49011SD-010<br>3” 49013SD-010<br>4” 49015SD-010
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Erico-Eritech GroundRodClamp.pdf|HDC58 5/8”]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Erico-Eritech GroundRodClamp.pdf|12/1/05]]
|Used to repair damaged fiber optic<br>conduit when not feasible to<br>remove fiber cable and re-splice
|[https://galvanelectrical.com/ Galvan Industries]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Galvan GroundRodClamp.pdf|SRC 5/8”]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Galvan GroundRodClamp.pdf|12/20/13]]
|[http://www-public.tnb.com/pub/node/188 Thomas & Betts]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Thomas&Betts GroundRodClamp.pdf|JAB58H 5/8”]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Thomas&Betts GroundRodClamp.pdf|5/5/03]]
{{PQLNote|Hex head set screw<br>Copper alloy<br>Long bearing surface<br>UL listed}}

== Ethernet Switches ==
== Service Boxes ==
=== Ethernet Switch ===
=== ''Type 1 Fiber Optic Service Box'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''HDPE Couplings'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Cisco Systems, Inc
|Switch: IE-3000-8TC<br>Power Supply: PWR-IE50W-AC<br>SFP Fiber  Modules:<br>GLC-FE-100LX 100BASE-LX<br>19” Rack Mount Kit:<br>
|[http://armorcastprod.com Armorcast]
STK-RACKMNT-2955<br>Patch Cables (ST-LC connectors)
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Armorcast Type1ServiceBox.pdf|A6001974PCX24 - Box only<br>A6001975T - Cover only<br>A6001974TAPCX24 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Armorcast Type1ServiceBox.pdf|7/30/01]]
|Hardened Ethernet Switch w/ DIN Rail Adapter<br>
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Armorcast Type1ServiceBox End.jpg|End View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Armorcast Type1ServiceBox Top.jpg|Top View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Armorcast Type1ServiceBox Bottom.jpg|Bottom View]]
8 Ethernet 10/100 Ports & 2 SFP Fiber Ports<br>
AC Power Converter<br>
19” Rack Mount Kit<br>
|[http://www.channell.com/ Channell Commercial Corp]
Two, 6’ Long Duplex Single Mode Fiber patch cables<br>
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Channell Type1ServiceBox.pdf|BULKU243624F061011 - Assembly<br>BULKUA2436E061011 - Cover only<br>BULKUA2436240 - Box only]]
(ST-LC connectors)
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Channell Type1ServiceBox.pdf|8/5/16]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Channell ServiceBoxGrounding.pdf|Cover Ground Wire]]
|[https://www.jhamericanenclosures.com/products J&H]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT J&H Type1ServiceBox.pdf|APC243624 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM J&H Type1ServiceBox.pdf|5/2/2024]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type1ServiceBox Side1.jpg|Side View 1]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type1ServiceBox Side2.jpg|Side View 2]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type1ServiceBox Top.jpg|Top View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type1ServiceBox Angle.jpg|Angle]]
|[http://www.newbasis.com New Basis]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM NewBasis ServiceBoxLabel.pdf|Cover Label]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT NewBasis Type1ServiceBox.pdf|PCB24362400000 – Box only<br>PCC2436P1-90042 – Cover only<br>PCA243624-00078 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM NewBasis Type1ServiceBox.pdf|2/26/02]]
|[http://www.oldcastle.com/index.php Oldcastle]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT OldCastle Type1ServiceBox.pdf|24362214 - Body Only<br>24364609 - Lid Only<br>24361614 - Unit]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM OldCastle Type1ServiceBox.pdf|8/29/13]]
|Quazite was purchased<br>by Hubbell Power Systems
|[http://www.hubbellpowersystems.com/about/quazite Quazite]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite Type1ServiceBox.pdf|PG2436BA24 – Box only]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite Type1ServiceBoxCover.pdf|PG2436HA0021 – Cover only]]<br>PG2436Z50221 - Assembly<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite ServiceBoxCoverCodes.pdf|Cover Codes]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Quazite Type1ServiceBox.pdf|5/05/03]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quazite Type1ServiceBox Side.jpg|Side View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quazite Type1ServiceBox End.jpg|End View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quazite Type1ServiceBox Top.jpg|Top View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Quazite Type1ServiceBox Bolthole.jpg|Bolt Hole]]
== Locating Materials ==
{{PQLNote|Minimum Box Assembly Rating - Tier 15 (22,500 lbs test load)<br>Cover Logo to read “Fiber Optics”<br>1 piece Cover to be 3” thick<br>Straight wall<br>No mouseholes<br>3/8” – 16 NC hex head bolts and washers}}
=== Tracer Cable ===
=== ''Type 2 Fiber Optic Service Box'' ===
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ '''Tracer Cable'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Note'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Comments'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|Cerro Wire & Cable Co, Inc.
|[http://armorcastprod.com Armorcast]
|Red – 112-3803<br>UL file # E15119
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Armorcast Type2ServiceBox.pdf|A6001430PCX24 - Box only<br>A6001470T (2 pc. Req.) - Cover only<br>A6001430TAPCX24 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Armorcast Type2ServiceBox.pdf|7/30/01]]
|rowspan="7"|Stranded copper<br>THHN/THWN #10 AWG
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Armorcast Type2ServiceBox Side.JPG|Side View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Armorcast Type2ServiceBox End.JPG|End View]]
|[http://www.channell.com/ Channell Commercial Corp]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Channell Type2ServiceBox.pdf|BULKU304824F081011 - Assembly<br>BULKUA3048E081011 - Cover only<br>BULKUA3048240 - Box only]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Channell Type2ServiceBox.pdf|8/5/16]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Channell ServiceBoxGrounding.pdf|Cover Ground Wire]]
|Encore Wire LTD
|UL file # E123774
|[https://www.jhamericanenclosures.com/products J&H]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT J&H Type2ServiceBox.pdf|APC304836 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM J&H Type2ServiceBox.pdf|5/2/2024]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type2ServiceBox Side1.jpg|Side View 1]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type2ServiceBox Side2.jpg|Side View 2]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type2ServiceBox Top.jpg|Top View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT J&H Type2ServiceBox Angle.jpg|Angle]]
|[http://www.newbasis.com New Basis]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM NewBasis ServiceBoxLabel.pdf|Cover Label]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT NewBasis Type2ServiceBox.pdf|PCB304824-00000 – Box only<br>PCC3048P2-90038 – Cover only<br>PCA304824-00158 - Assembly]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM NewBasis Type2ServiceBox.pdf|2/26/02]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT NewBasis Type2ServiceBox Side.JPG|Side View]]
|Purchased by Southwire Co.
|[http://www.oldcastle.com/index.php Oldcastle]
|Product Number 070061
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT OldCastle Type2ServiceBox.pdf|30482021 - Body Only<br>30484607 - Lid Only]]
<br>UL file # E14656
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM OldCastle Type2ServiceBox.pdf|8/29/13]]
|Quazite was purchased<br>Hubbell Power Systems
|Rome Cable Corp
|[http://www.hubbellpowersystems.com/about/quazite Quazite]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite Type2ServiceBox.pdf|PG3048BA24 – Box only]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite Type2ServiceBoxCover.pdf|PG3048HS0021 – Cover only]]<br>PG3048Z52521 - Assembly<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Quazite ServiceBoxCoverCodes.pdf|Cover Codes]]
<br>UL file # E13662
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Quazite Type2ServiceBox.pdf|5/5/03]]
{{PQLNote|Minimum Box Assembly Rating - Tier 15 (22,500 lbs test load)<br>Cover Logo to read “Fiber Optics”<br>2 Piece cover to be 3” thick underlapping<br>Straight wall<br>No mouseholes<br>3/8” – 16 NC hex head bolts and washers}}
== Splice Enclosures ==
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home.html Corning Cable Systems]
|Splicing from Signal Cabinet:<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 6inchSpliceEnclosure.pdf|SCF-6C22-01-F]]<br>Trunk Line Splicing:<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning 8inchSpliceEnclosure.pdf|SCF-8C28-01-F]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning SpliceEnclosure.pdf|7/26/05]]
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning SpliceEnclosure Cover.jpg|Cover]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning SpliceEnclosure EndView.jpg|End View]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning SpliceEnclosure Trays.jpg|Cable Tray]]
|Senator / Southwire
|[http://www.te.com/en/home.html Tyco Electronics Corporation]
|Red – 22-97-57
|Spicing from Signal Cabinet:<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Tyco SpliceEnclosure.pdf|FOSC 450-B6-6-12-1B0V]]<br>Trunk Line Splicing:<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Tyco SpliceEnclosure.pdf|FOSC 450-D6-6-72-1D0V]]
<br>UL file # E23919
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Tyco SpliceEnclosure.pdf|10/12/05]]
|Service Wire Co
|UL file # E105667
{{PQLNote|Bell Type Enclosures}}
== Termination Drop Cable Assemblies ==
{| width="800px" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border:\#c9c9c9 1px solid; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse;"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Manufacturer'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Catalog Number'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Approval Date'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Photos'''
|United Copper Industries
|[https://www.corning.com/optical-communications/worldwide/en/home/products.html Corning]
|Red – 325372 (500’ reel)
|Corning OptiTip<br><u>Integrated Panel Housing:</u><br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning IntegratedPanelHousing.pdf|SPH-12OTR-126TH]]<br><u>Cable Harness:</u><br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO CAT Corning CableHarness.pdf|00M112EB4D1EXXXF-P]]
<br>Red – 325574 (2,500’ reel)
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO MEM Corning TerminationDropCable.pdf|5/11/20]]
<br>UL file # E194031-A
|[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning IntegratedPanelHousing Isoview.jpg|Panel Housing]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning CableHarness.JPG|Cable Harness]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning CableHarnessConnector.JPG|Cable Harness Connector]]<br>[[Media:TRF PQL FO PHOT Corning IntegratedPanelHousing Connection.jpg|Connection]]
{{PQLNote|12 CT Cable<br>XXX &#x003D; Cable Harness Length, must be in 10' or 25' increments}}

=== Ground Rods ===
=== Ground Rod Clamp ===
[[Category:Approved Materials]]
=== Conduit Markers ===
== Encoders ==
=== Ethernet Video Encoders ===
== Service Boxes ==
=== Type I Fiber Optic Service Box ===
=== Type II Fiber Optic Service Box ===
== Splice Enclosures ==
== Termination Drop Cables ==
== Terminal Servers ==

Latest revision as of 15:23, 5 March 2025

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Contractor Submittal Forms

GeekNotesIcon.png Note: This document is provided as a benefit to contractors and suppliers who are bidding projects for the City of Overland Park. Only products identified on this list will be approved for installation on City construction projects. This list shall not be used as a substitute for catalog cuts or material approval. All material approvals shall be submitted on the approved City of Overland Park Contract Project Submittal form. The form is available at City Hall by contacting Bruce Wacker at (913) 895-6027. Failure to comply will be cause for rejection of materials until proper submittals are received. This list is updated periodically. The contractor or supplier shall contact the City of Overland Park to make sure that they have the most current list prior to bidding a project. Failure to do so shall not constitute a legitimate claim for change orders. Before accessing any links, the City recommends that the user delete browsing history to insure the latest catalog cut information is displayed correctly.


Ethernet Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Quiktron is a subsidiary
of Legrand
Legrand/Quiktron 541-110-006 (ft) 7/28/15

Fiber Optic Patch Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
ICC ICFOJ3M302 7/15/08 Patch Cable
Major Custom Cables FXDSLCST-XM 8/7/09
Quiktron is a subsidiary
of Legrand
Legrand/Quiktron L1-0203B3JY20002M Q-Series LC-ST 7/28/15 Patch Cable
LC Connector
ST Connector
ST-LC connectors, 6' duplex, single mode
Connection from ITS Termination Drop Cable to Ethernet Switch

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Fiber Optic Plenum Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Belden Tight-Bufferred Aluminum Interlocked Armor Plenum Cable Nomenclature
FISD096AK - 96-Ct
FISD072AK - 72-Ct
FISD024A9 - 24-Ct
FISD012A9 - 12-Ct
Corning Cable Systems Tight-Buffered Interlocking Armored Plenum Cable (36 - 144 Fiber) Nomenclature
096E88-T3131-A3 - 96-Ct
072E88-T3131-A3 - 72-Ct
Tight-Buffered Interlocking Armored Plenum Cable (2 - 24 Fiber) Nomenclature
024E88-33131-A3 - 24-Ct
012E88-33131-A3 - 12-Ct
Single Mode Fiber

Fiber Optic Riser Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Belden Tight-Buffered Aluminum Interlocked Armor Riser Cable Nomenclature
FISD144FK - 144-Ct
FISD096FK - 96-Ct
FISD072FK - 72-Ct
FISD048FK - 48-Ct
FISD036FJ - 36-Ct
FISD024F9 - 24-Ct
FISD012F9 - 12-Ct
Corning Cable systems MIC Tight-Buffered, Interlocking Armored Riser Cable (36 - 144 Fiber) Nomenclature
144E81-T3131-A1 - 144-Ct
096E81-T3131-A1 - 96-Ct
072E81-T3131-A1 - 72-Ct
048E81-T3131-A1 - 48-Ct
036E81-T3131-A1 - 36-Ct

MIC Tight-Buffered, Interlocking Armored Riser Cable (2 - 24 Fiber) Nomenclature
024E81-33131-A1 - 24-Ct
012E81-33131-A1 - 12-Ct
Single Mode Fiber

Loose Tube Fiber Optic Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Belden FSSL1446D – 144 Ct
FSSL0966D – 96 Ct
FSSL0726D – 72 Ct
FSSL0486D – 48 Ct
FSSL0366D – 36 Ct
FSSL0246D – 24 Ct
FSSL0126D – 12 Ct
Corning Cable Systems ALTOS All-Dielectric Gel-Free Cables Nomenclature
144ZUC-T4101D20 – 144 Count
096ZUC-T4101D20 – 96 Count
ALTOS All-Dielectric Gel-Free Cables w/ FastAccess Technology Nomenclature
072ZUC-T4F22D20 – 72 Count
048ZUC-T4F22D20 – 48 Count
036ZUC-T4F22D20 – 36 Count
024ZUC-T4F22D20 – 24 Count
012ZUC-T4F22D20 – 12 Count
Single Mode Fiber
Single Jacket, Single Armored Loose Tube Cable

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#10 AWG System Tracer Wire

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Cerowire Wire & Cable Co., Inc. 112-3801-03-X 5/5/03
Encore Wire LTD UL file # E123774 8/1/03
Republic Wire UL File E167613 5/8/23 Label Name
Label Cable Type
Label UL File
Southwire Red 5/5/03
Red Insulation
Stranded copper #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2
600 volt

Closet Connector Housing

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Corning Fiber Closet Connector Housing
Cassette Pigtails
6-CT Cassette Pigtail: CCH-CS06-6C-P00RE
12-CT Dual Cassette Pigtail: CCH-CS12-59-P00RE
Other equipment within the same family can also be used

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Conduit and Couplings

HDPE Conduit

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Blue Diamond Industries 3" - BDI314OR
2" - BDI214OR
3/9/23 3" Cond Line Code
2" Cond Line Code
End View
Bulldog Pipe LLC 3” – C300SDR135ORSS//XX0PZZB
2” – C200SDR135ORSS//XX0PZZB
2/12/25 3" Cond Line Code
Dura-Line 3” – 3SDR135ORG
2” – 2SDR135ORG
Endurance 3” – CH4ORNNA1SNXX

SDR13.5 all sizes
Orange color
Smooth solid wall
UV Stabilized

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HDPE Couplings

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
American Polywater Bonduit Conduit Adhesive
Use with standard Sch 40 PVC Couplings

Cabletec HDPE to HDPE Coupling
2” – AS 2.375
3” – AS 3.500
8/2/01 Coupling
Dura-Line HDPE to HDPE Coupling or HDPE to PVC Coupling
ShurLock II Couplings
2" - 20000123
3" - 20000173
7/10/14 Side View
End View
Georg Fischer Central Plastics HDPE to HDPE Electrofusion Couplings
2” IPS 5760030
3” IPS 10000358
5/5/06 Side View
Top View

Expansion Couplings

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Allied Tube & Conduit 1" - 789648
1 ½” - 789650
2" - 789651
3" - 789653
4" - 789655
Cantex 1” – 5144033
1 ½” – 5144035
2” – 5144036
3” – 5144038
4” – 5144040
Heritage Plastics 1” – 610276
1 ½” – 610278
2” – 610279
3” – 610281
4” – 610283
IPEX Electrical Inc. Size / Part Number / Product Code
1” / EJ20 / 077383
1 ½” / EJ30 / 077385
2” / EJ35 / 077386
3” / EJ45 / 077388
4” / EJ55 / 077390
Prime Conduit
Purchased Carlon
Prime Conduit 1” – EC2PC100
1 ½” – EC2PC150
2” – EC2PC200
3” – EC2PC300
4” – EC2PC400
Formerly Plastic Trends
Royal Pipe Systems
Royal Building Products 1” – E016100
1 ½” – E016150
2” – E016200
3” – E016300
4” – E016400
Thomas & Betts
Purchased Carlon
Thomas & Betts 1” – E945F
1 ½” – E945H
2” – E945J
3” – E945L
4” – E945N

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Repair Couplings

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Conduit Repair Systems, Inc. Schedule 40 Split Conduit

P2F - 2"
P3F - 3"

Schedule 40 Split Couplings (Joining split conduit to split conduit)

RC2F - 2"
RC3F - 3"

Split Adapter Couplings (Joining Split Conduit to Standard Conduit)

C2F - 2"
C3F - 3"

Schedule 40 Split 45° Sweeps

S2F24H45 - 2" Horizontal 24" Radius
S2F24V45 - 2" Vertical 24" Radius
S3F24H45 - 3" Horizontal 24" Radius
S3F24V45 - 3" Vertical 24" Radius
S2F36H45 - 2" Horizontal 36" Radius
S2F36V45 - 2" Vertical 36" Radius
S3F36H45 - 3" Horizontal 36" Radius
S3F36V45 - 3" Vertical 36" Radius

Schedule 40 Split 90° Sweeps
S2F24H90 - 2" Horizontal 24" Radius
S2F24V90 - 2" Vertical 24" Radius
S3F24H90 - 3" Horizontal 24" Radius
S3F24V90 - 3" Vertical 24" Radius
S2F36H90 - 2" Horizontal 36" Radius
S2F36V90 - 2" Vertical 36" Radius
S3F36H90 - 3" Horizontal 36" Radius
S3F36V90 - 3" Vertical 36" Radius
7/17/23 Split Adapter Coupling
Split Adapter Coupling Center Stop
Split Adapter Coupling End View
Glued Split Adapter Coupling
Split Adapter Coupling Label
JCM Industries JCM 101 Series Universal Clamp Couplings
2”: 101-0238-X
3”: 101-0350-X
5/23/16 Label
Back View
Iso View
X = For JCM Repair Coupling: Width of the Clamp: 6", 7", 12", 15"
Used to repair damaged fiber optic conduit only at City discretion when it is not feasible to remove fiber cable and fusion splice conduit
Conduit Repair Systems, Inc. Split Adapter Coupling shall be used with Approved Adhesive (See Approved List under HDPE Couplings)

Locating Materials

Tracer Cable

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Advanced Digital Cable Red - 410RD
UL File # E208489
5/20/16 Cable
Cerro Wire & Cable Co, Inc. Red – 112-380103
UL file # E15119
Encore Wire LTD UL file # E123774 8/1/03
Southwire UL file # E14656 8/21/03
United Copper Industries UL file # E194031-A 5/26/09 Cable
Jacket Label
Stranded copper
Red Jacket Insulation

Ground Rods

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Erico Inc. 615880 2/27/02
Galvan Industries 6258 12/20/13
Hubbell C615880 4/24/12
Thomas & Betts 6258 5/5/03
5/8” x 8’-0” long
Copper clad steel core
UL listed

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Ground Rod Clamp

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Burndy GRC58 – 5/8” 2/27/02 Clamp
Erico Inc. HDC58 – 5/8” 12/1/05
Galvan Industries SRC – 5/8” 12/20/13
Thomas & Betts JAB58H – 5/8” 5/5/03
Hex head set screw
Copper alloy
Long bearing surface
UL listed

Service Boxes

Type 1 Fiber Optic Service Box

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Armorcast A6001974PCX24 - Box only
A6001975T - Cover only
A6001974TAPCX24 - Assembly
7/30/01 End View
Top View
Bottom View
Channell Commercial Corp BULKU243624F061011 - Assembly
BULKUA2436E061011 - Cover only
BULKUA2436240 - Box only
8/5/16 Cover Ground Wire
J&H APC243624 - Assembly 5/2/2024 Side View 1
Side View 2
Top View
New Basis Cover Label
PCB24362400000 – Box only
PCC2436P1-90042 – Cover only
PCA243624-00078 - Assembly
Oldcastle 24362214 - Body Only
24364609 - Lid Only
24361614 - Unit
Quazite was purchased
by Hubbell Power Systems
Quazite PG2436BA24 – Box only
PG2436HA0021 – Cover only
PG2436Z50221 - Assembly
Cover Codes
5/05/03 Side View
End View
Top View
Bolt Hole
Minimum Box Assembly Rating - Tier 15 (22,500 lbs test load)
Cover Logo to read “Fiber Optics”
1 piece Cover to be 3” thick
Straight wall
No mouseholes
3/8” – 16 NC hex head bolts and washers

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Type 2 Fiber Optic Service Box

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Armorcast A6001430PCX24 - Box only
A6001470T (2 pc. Req.) - Cover only
A6001430TAPCX24 - Assembly
7/30/01 Side View
End View
Channell Commercial Corp BULKU304824F081011 - Assembly
BULKUA3048E081011 - Cover only
BULKUA3048240 - Box only
8/5/16 Cover Ground Wire
J&H APC304836 - Assembly 5/2/2024 Side View 1
Side View 2
Top View
New Basis Cover Label
PCB304824-00000 – Box only
PCC3048P2-90038 – Cover only
PCA304824-00158 - Assembly
2/26/02 Side View
Oldcastle 30482021 - Body Only
30484607 - Lid Only
Quazite was purchased
Hubbell Power Systems
Quazite PG3048BA24 – Box only
PG3048HS0021 – Cover only
PG3048Z52521 - Assembly
Cover Codes
Minimum Box Assembly Rating - Tier 15 (22,500 lbs test load)
Cover Logo to read “Fiber Optics”
2 Piece cover to be 3” thick underlapping
Straight wall
No mouseholes
3/8” – 16 NC hex head bolts and washers

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Splice Enclosures

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Corning Cable Systems Splicing from Signal Cabinet:
Trunk Line Splicing:
7/26/05 Cover
End View
Cable Tray
Tyco Electronics Corporation Spicing from Signal Cabinet:
FOSC 450-B6-6-12-1B0V
Trunk Line Splicing:
FOSC 450-D6-6-72-1D0V
Bell Type Enclosures

Termination Drop Cable Assemblies

Notes Manufacturer Catalog Number Approval Date Photos
Corning Corning OptiTip
Integrated Panel Housing:
Cable Harness:
5/11/20 Panel Housing
Cable Harness
Cable Harness Connector
12 CT Cable
XXX = Cable Harness Length, must be in 10' or 25' increments

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