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**[http://www.opkansas.org/App_/ROOT/Module/CityGovernment/Engine/DocumentForm/StreamFile.ashx?documentId=1510-Stormwater-Management-Program-Standards-and-Permitting Municipal Code Chapter 15.10 Stormwater Management Program - Standards and Permitting] | **[http://www.opkansas.org/App_/ROOT/Module/CityGovernment/Engine/DocumentForm/StreamFile.ashx?documentId=1510-Stormwater-Management-Program-Standards-and-Permitting Municipal Code Chapter 15.10 Stormwater Management Program - Standards and Permitting] | ||
*Current City of Overland Park [http://www.opkansas.org/App_/ROOT/Module/CityGovernment/Engine/DocumentForm/StreamFile.pdf?documentId=Design-And-Construction-Standards-Vol-1 Design and Construction Standards.] | *Current City of Overland Park [http://www.opkansas.org/App_/ROOT/Module/CityGovernment/Engine/DocumentForm/StreamFile.pdf?documentId=Design-And-Construction-Standards-Vol-1 Design and Construction Standards, Volume 1 Design Criteria] and [http://www.opkansas.org/App_/ROOT/Module/CityGovernment/Engine/DocumentForm/StreamFile.pdf?documentId=Design-And-Construction-Standards-Vol-1Design and Construction Standards, Volume 1 Design Criteria] | ||
*'''Stormwater Management''' | *'''Stormwater Management''' | ||
**Design Criteria - Stormwater Management Facilities This is the City Engineer's Minimum Stormwater Standards and is a supplement to APWA Section 5600. | **Design Criteria - Stormwater Management Facilities This is the City Engineer's Minimum Stormwater Standards and is a supplement to APWA Section 5600. |
Revision as of 15:37, 3 June 2010
Home | I-Vision | II-Preliminary Design | III-Final Design | IV-Pre-Construction | V-Construction | VI-Retrospect |
Phase II begins the engineering design and plan preparation process for a project. The date for beginning this process will depend upon the approved project schedule, budget and time anticipated to complete the various phases/tasks.
The project team will play an important decision-making role in managing a project. This team will consist of City staff and private consultants (if applicable). Intra-department, public involvement, and utility company meetings are commenced during this phase. Field check plans are prepared, distributed and reviewed along with preliminary construction cost estimates. Also, R/W and easement documents are completed and, if required, appraisers are hired. |
Flow Chart
Check List
Task No. 1 - Identify Project Team
When a project is scheduled to begin the design phase, the Project Team is to be identified by the City Engineer and/or the City Traffic Engineer, depending on the scope of the project. The purpose of this team is to provide input, information, support, and execution throughout the project planning, design, and construction. The Project Team will generally include the following members: Project Manager, Traffic Engineer, Construction Inspector, Traffic Maintenance Technician, Maintenance Representative, Engineering Technician, Contract Specialist, Law Department Representative, and Finance Representative.
Task No. 2 - Decide if City Staff to Design
The City Engineer and/or the City Traffic Engineer in consultation with the Project Team will decide whether the project will be designed by the City Staff or by a Consulting Engineer.
Task No. 3-4 - Hire Consultant
MARC's rules and regulations do not permit federal dollars to be used for project design services. Therefore, Consultant selection certification, to KDOT, is not applicable as long as this MARC rule is in effect.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4a is City Resolution No. 3506 sets forth the policies and procedures for the selection of Professional Consulting Services.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4b City’s standard Engineering / Architectural services agreement for design projects.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4b(1) City’s standard Supplemental Agreement for Professional Engineering Services.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4c City’s standard Consultant Agreement for non-design projects.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4c(1) City’s standard Supplemental Agreement to the Consultant Agreement for non-design projects.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4e City’s standard Scope of Services.
- BLP Memo 05-15 Geotechnical Bridge Foundation Investigation Practice is to be used when writing contracts for projects involving bridge construction.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4e(1) City’s standard Scope of Services for a Street Lighting project.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4e(2) City’s standard Scope of Services for a Traffic Signal project.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4f City’s standard fee schedule for engineering services agreement.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4g is a sample RFP letter to Consulting Firms.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4h is a sample Ranking Memo to Consultant Selection Committee.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4i is a sample Ranking Sheet to be completed by the Consultant Selection Committee.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4j is a sample Interview Memo to Consultant Selection Committee.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4k is a sample of a compiled Ranking Sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4l is a sample letter requesting interview of short list Consulting Firms.
The selection committee shall meet after ranking sheets are completed and any interviews have been held. This meeting is to ensure consensus of the selection committee prior to letters being sent to consultants.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4m is a sample letter to selected Consulting Firm.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4n is a sample letter to Consulting Firms not selected.
- Exhibit No. II-3-4o is a list of Consulting Firms.
Task No. 5 - Submit Project Description to Law Department
The physical location of the project and a description of what is to be constructed is to be submitted to the Law Department. A feasibility report shall include the physical location of the project, a description of what is to be constructed, a cost estimate, and other necessary information required by the Law Department. The description project centerline shall include the permanent improvements (not tapers for street projects).
An example of a project description is as follows:
- The reconstruction and widening of certain portions of Nall Avenue from 369 feet south of 119th Street to 135th Street, and the reconstruction and widening of certain portions of 127th Street from Nall Avenue to 500 feet west of Nall Avenue. Construction will include a dual 28 foot roadway with a 24 foot median located in 120 feet of right-of-way, including left turn lanes at required locations, construction of a new bridge on Nall Avenue over Tomahawk Creek, street lighting, storm sewers, a 4 foot concrete sidewalk on one side of the roadway and an 8 foot asphalt sidewalk on the other side of the roadway.
Task No. 6 - Prepare Project Schedule
If a Consultant is to be hired, the anticipated construction time period shall be provided. The Consultant shall submit a schedule, using Microsoft Project, indicating the design phases, R/W / easement submittal, meetings, bid opening date and construction time period. If the City Staff is designing the project, a similar schedule shall be prepared by the City Project Manager.
Task No. 7 - Submit Cash Flow Projections (Engineering Cost)
Subsequent to executing a contract with a Consultant or when the City Staff is selected to provide engineering services, a cash flow projection for engineering services shall be submitted to the City Finance Department.
- Exhibit No. II-7 is the standard cash flow form.
Task No. 8 - Execute Ordinances-Resolution
The Project Manager, in conjunction with the Law Department, will determine if all necessary City ordinances or resolutions have been executed in order to authorize the project. Examples of possible documents are:
- creating an improvement district,
- financing with the thoroughfare statute, and
- temporary bond financing.
Task No. 9 - Schedule First Utility Meeting
Early in the preliminary design phase, the Consultant or Project Manager shall schedule a meeting with all public and private utility officials. A meeting agenda shall be prepared and distributed in advance of the meeting to all scheduled attendees. Meeting minutes shall also be prepared following the meeting and distributed to all scheduled attendees, including those who were invited but did not attend.
The purpose of the first utility meeting is as follows:
- obtain utility location maps/information,
- obtain copies of existing utility easements,
- present the project schedule,
- determine if there are critical out-of-service time periods, and
- confirm utility representative contacts and phone numbers.
- Exhibit No. II-9 is a list of Johnson County utility and pipeline companies, possible contacts, address and phone numbers.
- Exhibit No. II-9a is a copy of the City's Utility Relocation Guidelines.
- Exhibit No. II-9b is a sample invitation letter for Utility Coordination Meeting.
- Exhibit No. II-9c sample agenda for Utility Coordination Meeting.
- Exhibit No. II-9d meeting sign in sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-9e sample of utility coordination meeting minutes.
Johnson County Wastewater
- Exhibit No. II-9f Right-Of-Way Agreement
- Exhibit No. II-9g Right-Of-Way Agreement, Reference Sheet
- Exhibit No. II-9h Right-Of-Way Agreement, Project Checklist
- Exhibit No. II-9i Payment invoice to JCW for reimbursement of relocation costs.
Water District No.1 of Johnson County
- Exhibit No. II-9j Right-Of -Way Agreement
Williams Pipe Line
- Exhibit No. II-9k Encroachment Guidelines.
- Exhibit No. II-9l Governmental Relocation Contact List
- Exhibit No. II-9m Service Territory Map
Task No. 10 - Pre-Design Meeting
A pre-design meeting shall be scheduled prior to commencing any significant design work. A meeting agenda shall be prepared and distributed in advance of the meeting to the scheduled attendees. Meeting minutes shall be prepared and distributed to all attendees. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and resolve as many anticipated design issues as possible as follows:
- specific limits of improvements,
- median openings and left/right turn storage lengths,
- detailed schedule,
- confirmation of appropriate design criteria as described in Task No. 11,
- determine if the project will need a Land Disturbance Permit (LDP),
- determine detours/street closings, and
- project phasing/traffic control,
- identify equipment or material on critical path, see note below, and
- distribute City's Standard Bid Items to be used during design.
Task No. 11 - Design Criteria
Streets shall be designed in accordance with the following:
- Current edition of the A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation officials.
- Current edition of the Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction for KDOT.
- Current edition of the Non-NHS Local Road and Street Plan for KDOT.
- Current City of Overland Park Municipal Code.
- Municipal Code Chapter 13.02 Materials, Materials Tests, and Inspections
- Municipal Code Chapter 13.03 Street Construction Standards
- Municipal Code Chapter 13.05 Street Lighting
- Municipal Code Chapter 13.08 Sidewalk Construction and Repair.
- Municipal Code Chapter 13.12 Construction on Rights-of-Way.
- Municipal Code Chapter 15.10 Stormwater Management Program - Standards and Permitting
- Current City of Overland Park Design and Construction Standards, Volume 1 Design Criteria and and Construction Standards, Volume 1 Design Criteria
- Stormwater Management
- Design Criteria - Stormwater Management Facilities This is the City Engineer's Minimum Stormwater Standards and is a supplement to APWA Section 5600.
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Design Criteria - Erosion and Sediment Control This is the City Erosion and Sediment Control Standards and is a supplement to APWA Section 5100.
- For an additional resource refer to Designing Erosion Control on a Thoroughfare or Public Works Project. This resource provides guidelines on preparing erosion control strategies and plans.
- Traffic signals, signing and pavement markings shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition of Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
- Streetlights shall be designed in accordance with Resolution No. 2827 and the City’s Streetlighting Design Guide.
- Exhibit No. II-11a is a two page instructional letter with references regarding the design of street lights.
- Work Zone Traffic Control shall be designed in accordance with the City’s Traffic Control Handbook.
- City of Overland Park Bridge Design Information
- Exhibit No. II-11b is a list of bridge design information.
- Exhibit No. II-11c is Public Works Department Bridge Asset Inventory Procedure (January 2007).
- BLP Memo 05-15 Geotechnical Bridge Foundation Investigation Practice.
- Johnson County Wastewater
- Exhibit No. II-11d Designers Checklist for City Streets and Stormwater Improvements.
- Exhibit No. II-11e Memo from JCW on existing brick manholes with new cone sections.
- For city street or stormwater improvement projects that require sanitary sewer relocation or extension, full sanitary sewer design plans per JCW plan requirements and specifications must be approved by JCW. See below for requirements.
- Construction and Material Specifications for Sanitary Sewers (for recent changes to JCW specifications see Highlighted Changes to JCW Specifications 2/24/10)
- For the status of sanitary sewer plan submittals and projects see Johnson County Wastewater Sewer Project Status page.
- Also see Phase II, Task No. 9 for Right-Of-Way agreement between JCW and City of Overland Park.
- Current Johnson County Stormwater Management Program Policy and Procedures.
Task No. 12 - Standard Details
Standard details have been compiled for the City Public Works Department. The standard details can be downloaded from
If Johnson County Wastewater facilities are involved in the project their standard details shall be incorporated into the plans. JCW standard details can be downloaded from http://www.jcw.org/engforms.htm
Task No. 13 - SMAC Preliminary Study
SMAC Preliminary Study - A preliminary study should be prepared and delivered to Johnson County SMAC officials prior to beginning any design work.
See Phase I, Task No. 3 for details and checklist for preparing this study.
Task No. 14 - Agency Agreement (if Applicable)
Local government agency agreements should be executed under Phase I, Task No. 23. If these agreements were not executed prior to beginning design, execution shall be completed at this time in the preliminary design phase.
Task No. 15 - Conduct Field Surveys
Sufficient and required data necessary for design purposes shall be collected. The field survey shall be in accordance with current accepted and required surveying practices. See City standard Scope of Services in Preliminary Design, Task 3-4 for survey control requirements.
Task No. 16 - Begin Environmental Process
KDOT will control the environmental process task for projects with categorical exclusion. The complexity and effort will depend on each project. The exception would be if an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement is required. In this case, the City or Consultant would perform this task with KDOT and FHWA approval.
- Exhibit No. II-16 is a spreadsheet KDOT uses in tracking Overland Park administered projects.
The Project Engineer shall ensure that all items on the tracking sheet are completed.
Task No. 17 - Schedule First Public Information Meeting
Pre-Design - The Consultant/Project Manager shall schedule the first public information meeting. This meeting shall occur prior to beginning preliminary design and field surveys. The purpose of this meeting is to explain the project objectives, present the project schedule, hear the citizen's concerns and issues, discuss design issues and introduce the involved City Officials and Consultant employees. For KDOT projects the Notice of Public Information Meeting must be published in the Kansas Register and Overland Park Sun.
Public information invites shall be sent to the following interested parties:
- Subdivisions adjacent to the project
- Home Owners Associations adjacent to the project (list of registered HOA available at communications desk)
- Group Chairperson for Neighborhood Conservation Groups adjacent to the project.
- For the phone number of the group chairperson, contact the Neighborhood Planner at 913/895-6270.
- Council Members of Ward(s) adjacent to the project
- City Manager
- City Communications Manager
- Funding Sources (KDOT, CARS, SMAC ...ect)
- Other City (Olathe, Leawood ...ect)
- Public Works Management (PWMG)
- Supervisory Engineer
- Construction Inspector
- Consulting Firm
The Property Owner Conversation Log should be used throughout the project to document all conversations with property owners.
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Note: This and all subsequent Public Information Meeting notices should ask if participants need a language interpreter or a hearing assistance device and a phone number. All meeting rooms shall be ADA accessible. Title VI Brochure regarding equal opportunity contracting are to be made available at all public meetings. |
- Exhibit No. II-17 is an example Invitation Letter to property owners.
- Exhibit No. II-17a is an example Notice of Public Information Meeting.
- Exhibit No. II-17b is a public meeting sign in sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-17c is a public meeting agenda.
- Exhibit No. II-17d is a public meeting handout.
Task No. 18 - Begin Title Report Process
The Consultant and/or the Project Manager shall prepare an RFP and forward to a minimum of three land title firms. The RFP should include a map or plan indicating the location of the project and the number of tracts of land involved. Proposals will be forwarded to the Project Manager whereby a firm will be selected and an agreement executed. The RFP should request the following information:
- legal description of the property and copy of recorded deed(s),
- mailing address of the property owner,
- all lien holders of record and recorded mortgage(s),
- all easements of record and copy of recorded document(s),
- dedicated R/W and copy of recorded document(s), and
- records of previous condemnations (available in the office of the District Court of Johnson County Kansas, Olathe, Kansas).
In addition, the RFP should provide instructions that all data to be provided in electronic disk format acceptable to the City. Finally the RFP will establish a date for completing the title certification and report.
- Exhibit No. II-18a is a list of land title companies to be considered in RFP requests.
- Exhibit No. II-18b is a sample land title RFP letter.
- Exhibit No. II-18c is a sample location map with parcel numbers and a parcel ownership report.
- Exhibit No. II-18d is a sample letter to selected land title company.
- Exhibit No. II-18e is a sample letter to land title companies not selected.
- Exhibit No. II-18f is a list of common easement holders and mortgage companies for use by title companies in completing title certificates.
Task No. 19 - Begin Geotechnical Report Process
The Consultant/Project Engineer shall determine what appropriate geotechnical information and data is necessary to adequately design the project. Drilled shaft foundations for bridges require specialized inspection. If drilled shaft foundations are anticipated and the Consultant cannot provide this service, use of a subconsultant may be used after receiving written approval from the City. For projects designed by City Staff an RFP shall be prepared and forwarded to qualified firms.
- Exhibit No. II-19 is a sample RFP letter to geotechnical firms, proposal format, summary of pay items (Attachment A), detailed description and description of services (Attachment B).
- Exhibit No. IV-2a is a list of materials testing / geotechnical service companies.
For projects involving bridge construction, BLP Memo 05-15 Geotechnical Bridge Foundation Investigation Practice is to be used when writing contracts for geotechnical services.
Task No. 20 - Prepare Field Check Plans
Plans should be approximately 50 percent complete for field check review including any proposed easement and R/W takings along with a preliminary construction cost estimate and updated project schedule/checklist. The plans shall be stamped "Preliminary—Field Check".
- Exhibit No. I-25b is a project schedule/checklist.
See BLP Memo 03-12 Engineer's Professional Seal and Signature on Plans.
Task No. 21 - Distribute Plans
The Consultant/Project Manager shall distribute preliminary plans to all utility company representatives. With this letter, the utility company representatives are advised of the second utility meeting.
Exhibit No. II-21 is a sample transmittal letter to utility company representatives.
- Exhibit No. II-9 is a list of Johnson County utility and pipeline companies, possible contacts, address and phone numbers.
Task No. 22 - Distribute Plans for Field Check
The Consultant/Project Engineer shall distribute field check plans along with a copy of the project cost estimate and updated project schedule/checklist to the following:
- all members of the Project Team (see below for Maintenance Division routing),
- City Engineer,
- City Traffic Engineer,
BLP for KDOT projects (if applicable), and
other agency participants.
The Project Manager will send one set of plans to the Maintenance Division District in which the project is located. The plans will go to the appropriate functional Supervisor using the Maintenance Plan Review Memo located under the Public Works tab of the General Templates in Microsoft Word. See Maintenance Plan Review Process for more information.
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Note: For KDOT Projects this task is tracked by KDOT see Exhibit No. II-16. The Project Engineer shall ensure this task is complete. |
Task No. 23 - Submit Request for Design Exception to KDOT
The Consultant/Project Manager shall submit in writing to the Chief, Bureau of Local Projects (KDOT) any request for project design exceptions. The letter should list each design exception and fully explain the reason for the design exceptions.
Task No. 24 - Schedule Second Utility Meeting
When the Preliminary Plans are distributed to the utility companies, the second utility meeting is scheduled. An agenda shall accompany the letter and meeting minutes prepared and distributed. Note: In an effort to avoid scheduling conflicts with other called utility meetings an Outlook calendar has been created called PW Utilities. PW Utilities shall be invited as an attendee to all utility meetings, pre-bid conferences and pre-construction conferences or any meeting requesting utility company attendance.
The purpose of the second utility meeting is as follows:
- check accuracy of utility locations on plans,
- establish what utilities need to be relocated,
- establish timetable for accomplishing the relocations, and
- re-confirm utility representative contacts.
See Phase II, Task No. 9 for exhibits.
Task No. 25 - Submit Required Permit Applications
The Consultant/Project Manager shall determine what permits will be required in order to construct the project. The following is a list of possible permits required:
- City of Overland Park Floodplain Development Permit - necessary for any work in a FEMA floodplain, including areas that will be FEMA floodplain once Johnson County Watershed studies are adopted.
- Exhibit No. II-25a is a memo of the steps to be taken on Public Works projects.
- Exhibit No. II-25b is an application and submittal checklist for Floodplain Development Permit.
- Exhibit No. II-25b-1 is FEMA's Procedures for "No Rise" Certifications.
- City of Overland Park Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) - necessary for any work disturbing more than 1 acre total. (KDHE permit also required, see below).
- Land Disturbance Permit and Erosion and Sediment Control Process is a memo of the steps to be taken on public works projects.
- Exhibit No. II-25d is an application for LDP.
- Permit to Construct-Obstruction in streams from State Board of Agriculture - Division of Water Resources - necessary for any work on a stream with more than 240 acres tributary drainage (some exceptions). http://www.ksda.gov
- Exhibit No. II-25e is DWR application for permit for Obstruction in Streams.
- State of Kansas - Environmental Coordination Act (ECA) - approvals letters from various state agencies are typically required for Stream Obstructions permits and sometimes others. Contacting these agencies directly for their approval letter can accelerate permitting. http://www.ksda.gov
- Exhibit No. II-25f is a listing of contact information and addresses for the ECA agencies (current Dec 2004, see KSDA website above for updated lists).
- NPDES NOI Permit — Notice of Intent for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. KDHE - Bureau of Water, Industrial Programs Section. - necessary for any work disturbing more than 1 acre total. (City of OP LDP also required, see above). http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/stormwater
- Exhibit No. II-25g is a NPDES NOI Permit application.
- Exhibit No. II-25h is a copy of the State of Kansas NPDES General Permit for construction. A copy of this permit must be kept onsite during construction, along with the rest of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan "SWPPP".
Plugging Packet is a handout detailing KDHE's requirements for plugging abandoned water wells.
- Corps of Engineers 404 Permit - necessary for any work located within a "water of the United States", including wetlands. http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/regulatory/regulatory.htm
- Exhibit No. II-25i is a sample letter requesting a project be reviewed for nationwide permit coverage. (Visit COE website for latest forms and instructions if an individual permit is needed).
- FEMA Conditional and Final Letters of Map Revision - required for certain type of major work in the floodplain, as coordinated with the floodplain administrator (see City of OP Floodplain Development Permit, above) - Obtain latest permit forms and guidance from website. http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/fmc_fmrp.shtm
- KDOT Highway Permits - necessary for construction or utility relocation within KDOT Right of Way.
- Exhibit No. II-25j is KDOT Form 304, Highway Permit Agreement Use of Right of Way.
- Exhibit No. II-25k is KDOT Form 308, Cased Utility Line Waiver.
- Exhibit No. II-25l is KDOT Form 309, Highway Permit for Highway Access.
- Exhibit No. II-25m is KDOT Form 310, Highway Permit Agreement Attachments to Bridges and Other Structures.
- Exhibit No. II-25n is KDOT Form 334, Access Application Information Sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-25o is instructions on preparation of KDOT Forms 304, 308, 309 and 334.
See 2007 KDOT Utility Accommodation Policy for additional information.
Task No. 26 - Prepare Preliminary Cost Estimate (update)
The Consultant/Project Manager shall prepare and submit an updated preliminary construction cost estimate. The form for this estimate shall resemble the Bid form with the item description, unit, approximate quantity, unit price and total. KDOT-BLP should receive a copy of this estimate.
Task No. 27 - Prepare Preliminary Cash Flow Projection (update)
The Consultant/Project Manager shall prepare a preliminary cash flow projection, including construction costs, and submit it to the City Finance Department on the standard form, see Exhibit No. II-7.
Task No. 28 - Begin Field Check Plan Review
The persons (see Task No. 22) who receive field check plans shall commence plan review. The review shall be completed prior to the scheduled Field Check meeting.
If applicable, begin Electrical Service Address Procedures for street lighting controllers, traffic signal controllers, electrical control centers for Parks and Recreation irrigation controllers, flood warning or road weather information systems.
See Exhibit G for KCP&L Commercial & Industrial Electrical Service Application.
See sample letter to KCP&L requesting power service.
Task No. 29 - Schedule Field Check Meeting
The Project Manager shall schedule the Field Check meeting. Representatives of all funding sources are to be invited. The City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer or their designated representatives will attend all meetings.
- Exhibit No. II-9d is a meeting sign in sheet.
Task No. 30 - Execute Official Agreement with KDOT
When the official KDOT agreement is received by the Project Manager, it is reviewed/approved by the Law Department and placed on the City Council agenda for consideration.
- Exhibit No. II-30 is a sample of KDOT's official 2007 KDOT Utility Accommodation Policy/Agreement.
- Exhibit No. II-30a is a sample Resolution to be used when KDOT's City/State Agreement is sent to Council for approval. The Resolution number is to be obtained from the City Clerks office.
Task No. 31 - Obtain Decision for Design Exception from KDOT
The Project Manager shall keep in close contact with BLP-KDOT, if a design exception was requested. The results shall be disseminated to all interested and required parties.
Task No. 32 - Submit R/W Plans/Legal Descriptions
The Consultant/Project Manager shall submit this information on the date as established with the project schedule. The legal descriptions shall be provided in electronic format along with a written original sealed by a registered land surveyor in the State of Kansas. A tract map for each property shall accompany the legal descriptions. The tract map shall clearly identify each type of proposed taking. Also included with the submittal shall be a copy of all the title company information.
- Exhibit No. II-32 is an example of legal descriptions and tract map.
- Exhibit No. II-32a and
- Exhibit No. II-32b is a Memorandum from the Register of Deeds, Johnson County, regarding legal description format.
- Exhibit No. II-32c is a Rejection Notice used by the Register of Deeds listing all causes of rejection of filed documents. All prepared documents must conform to the Register of Deeds requirements.
Task No. 33 - Hire Appraiser
The Project Manager shall request RFP's from qualified appraisers. Subsequent to receiving the proposals, the Project Manager shall evaluate the proposals and make recommendations in accordance with City Policy. If federal funding is involved the Project Manager shall form a Selection Committee and a qualification based selection process shall be used.
- Exhibit No. II-33a is a list of City qualified appraisers.
- Exhibit No. II-33b is a copy of City's Request for Proposal (RFP) letter.
- Exhibit No. II-33c is a list of the project right-of-way takings.
- Exhibit No. II-33d is a copy of Appraiser Agreement for fee under $10,000.
- Exhibit No. II-33e is a copy of Appraiser Agreement for fee over $10,000.
- Exhibit No. II-33f is a sample Intra City memorandum to the Selection Committee with proposals from appraisers and ranking sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-33g is a sample Intra City memorandum to the Selection Committee with staff recommendations.
See FHWA's Real Estate Acquisition Guide For Local Public Agencies for information that will be necessary when a project is started that requires the acquisition of real estate and receives any Federal funding.
- Exhibit No. II-33h is a copy of Appraisal Review form.
Task No. 34 - Prepare R/W and Easement Documents
The Project Manager will coordinate the preparation of the various documents necessary for the takings required to construct the project.
- Exhibit No. II-34a - Access Easement - Option 1
- Exhibit No. II-34b - Access Easement - Option 2
- Exhibit No. II-34c - Permanent Maintenance Access Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34d - Construction Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34e - Deed of Dedication
- Exhibit No. II-34f - Kansas Warranty Deed
- Exhibit No. II-34g - Quit Claim Deed
- Exhibit No. II-34h - Real Estate Mortgage Release - Individual
- Exhibit No. II-34i - Real Estate Mortgage Release - Corporation
- Exhibit No. II-34j - Permanent Drainage Easement - City Grantor
- Exhibit No. II-34k - Permanent Drainage Easement - City Grantee
- Exhibit No. II-34l - Permanent Drainage Easement - City Grantor & City Grantee
- Exhibit No. II-34m - Permanent Right of Way Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34n - Retaining Wall Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34o - Sidewalk Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34p - Sidewalk Variance
- Exhibit No. II-34q - Temporary Construction Easement - City Grantor
- Exhibit No. II-34r - Temporary Construction Easement - City Grantee
- Exhibit No. II-34s - Temporary Construction Easement - Grading Version 1
- Exhibit No. II-34t - Temporary Construction Easement - Grading Version 2
- Exhibit No. II-34u - Notice of Termination of Temporary Construction Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34v - Traffic Signal Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34vv - Street Light Easement
- Exhibit No. II-34w - Utility Easement - City Grantor
- Exhibit No. II-34x - Utility Easement - City Grantee
- Exhibit No. II-34y - Utility Easement - City Grantor & City Grantee
- Exhibit No. II-34z - Right of Way Purchase Contract - Johnson County Public Works
- Exhibit No. II-34zz - Easement Acquisition Agreement - City of Overland Park
- Exhibit No. II-32a and
- Exhibit No. II-32b is a Memorandum from the Register of Deeds, Johnson County, regarding legal description format.
- Exhibit No. II-32c is a Rejection Notice used by the Register of Deeds listing all causes of rejection of filed documents. All prepared documents must conform to the Register of Deeds requirements.
Task No. 35 - Schedule Second Public Information Meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to present the preliminary plans to the citizens. For KDOT projects the Notice of Public Information Meeting must be published in the Kansas Register and Overland Park Sun. See Phase II, Task No. 17 for list of invites.
- Exhibit No. II-35 is an example Invitation Letter to property owners.
- Exhibit No. II-35a is an example Notice of Public Information Meeting.
- Exhibit No. II-35b is a public meeting sign in sheet.
- Exhibit No. II-35c is a public meeting handout.
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Note: This and all subsequent Public Information Meeting notices should ask if participants need a language interpreter or a hearing assistance device and a phone number. All meeting rooms shall be ADA accessible. Title VI Brochure regarding equal opportunity contracting are to be made available at all public meetings. |