Phase VI - Retrospect

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Home I-Vision II-Preliminary Design III-Final Design IV-Pre-Construction V-Construction VI-Retrospect


One of the primary objectives of this phase is to critique/review the project by scheduling a post-project conference. All the persons and agency representatives shall be invited to participate in this meeting.

The City's historical records will be updated and filed for reference and information.

If FHWA or KDOT funding is involved, the project cannot be finalized until the project audit by KDOT.

Phase VI Checklist

Task No. 1 - Procedures for Final Cost and Project Close Out

After a project is complete and when all costs are known, the Project Manager shall coordinate with the Finance Department to prepare the final project cost. The project cost shall be divided in accordance with the finance accounts coding.

Exhibit No. VI-1a is a sample final project cost sheet generated by Finance.
Exhibit No. VI-1b is a sample final project cost memo to the Director of Public Works.

For CARS and SMAC projects, final accounting and billing shall be submitted to Johnson County no later than sixty days following project completion. Record drawings and Executed Contract Documents and Specifications in PDF format must be submitted on disk along with the project close out letter.

Exhibit No. VI-1c is a Project Close Out letter for a CARS project.
Exhibit No. VI-1d is a Project Close Out form for a SMAC project.

For reimbursement from Johnson County Wastewater for relocation costs see Phase II, Task No. 7.

Reimbursement from other utilities for relocation costs will be in accordance with the relocation agreement executed in Phase III, Task No. 2. The Project Manager shall work with Finance to generate and send the invoice to the respective utility.

Exhibit No. VI-1e is a sample utility relocation invoice.

Task No. 2 - Complete Property Owner Assessments


For Improvement Districts, the Project Manager, in conjunction with the Law and Finance Departments, will prepare the assessment roll, and any necessary maps to accompany the assessments. The assessments must be as described and set forth in the resolutions creating the improvement district.

Governing Body approves resolution directing City Clerk to provide public notice of the assessment hearing. Notice is published and mailed to I.D. members. 10 days must elapse between the notice publication and the hearing date. After the hearing is closed, the assessment ordinance is approved by the Governing Body and published thereafter. There is a 30 day protest period under the I.D. statutes and a 90 day civil rights protest period. Therefore, the City prefers to have 90 days pass from the publication of the assessment ordinance before a project is scheduled for bonding.

Exhibit No. VI-2a is a sample project assessment memo.
Exhibit No. VI-2b is a sample assessment roll.
Exhibit No. VI-2c is a sample assessment tract map.
Exhibit No. VI-2d is a sample project background information for the assessment hearing.

Task No. 3 - Conduct Post-Project Conference (Optional)


At the discretion of the Project Manager a post-project conference for major projects may be scheduled within one month of final acceptance of the project. The following should be invited to this conference:

  • Department Director,
  • Department Division Heads(s),
  • City Project Team Members
  • Contractor (Owner),
  • Contractor’s Superintendent,
  • Sub-Contractors,
  • Utility Company Representatives, and
  • Consultant (if applicable)
  • KDOT Staff (if applicable)
  • Other funding sources representatives (if applicable)

The primary purpose of this meeting is to critique the project and present the Excellence in Construction evaluation. (see Phase V, Task No. 7)

Task No. 4 - Complete Bond Sale


If all or part of the project costs are to be bonded, the Finance Department will establish a calendar of events and distribute to the appropriate persons.

Task No. 5 - Update City Historical Records


Upon completion of the project the following City’s historical records (files, maps, databases) will be updated:

  • Paver database (PAMS);
  • Construction Plans database (Plan Viewer);
  • Bridge database and map; (Lucity)
  • Storm Sewer Inventory;
  • Digital platsheets;
  • Right-of Way and Easements Inventory;
  • Sidewalk Inventory;
  • Snow Maps;
  • Guardrail inventory;
  • Traffic signs;
  • Traffic signals;
  • Streetlights.

For the list of personnel responsible for the inventory updates see Phase V, Task No. 22.

See Rectifying Plan Images for instructions. Rectified plan images are used to easily and accurately locate and update assets in ArcMap, LUCITY and other mapping applications.

Task No. 6 - Complete Two-Year Inspection and Bond Release


Approximately 22 months following the City’s acceptance of the project, the Project Manager, in conjunction with the Project Inspector(s), shall inspect the project and compile a list of work items, if applicable, for the Contractor to perform. After the Contractor has performed the maintenance items, the Contractor’s two-year maintenance bond will be released. Also see Phase V, Task 22.

Exhibit No. VI-6a is a sample list of work items for the Contractor to perform as a result of two year inspection.
Exhibit No. VI-6b is a sample letter to the Contractor releasing the maintenance bond.

Task No. 7 - Receive Project Audit by KDOT


The City will provide information to KDOT for audit according to “The Single Audit Standards” set forth in Federal O.M.B. Circular A-133, “Audits of State and Local Governments” and in 49 CFR 18.

Exhibit No. VI-7 is Review Guidelines for Project Development Procedures. These guidelines provide a list of items that will be of interest during an audit and shall be used in gathering information when preparing for an audit.

The City is responsible for retaining all project records for five years after the project's completion.

Task No. 8 - Receive Final Payment from KDOT


The City will submit final costs for Agreements executed and completed along with the cost for work phase completion (such as contract administration and construction).

Once the audit is completed, KDOT will submit the final claim to FHWA. City Form V-2698 (see Phase V, Task No. 26) must be submitted to the KDOT before final payment is released. Once FHWA concurs with the final claim, KDOT will provide the City with a “Final Statement of Costs” for final settlement.

All Phase VI Exhibits