Phase IV - Pre-Construction
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Task No. 1 - Complete Plans, Specifications and Estimate
The Consultant/Project Manager shall make all final plan revisions, complete the specifications and prepare the final Engineer’s construction cost estimate. The City project team and consultant will determine what submittals the contractor will be required to submit during the construction phase and who will be responsible for reviewing and approving the submittals.
A Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be prepared by the project team. See SWPPP Template for assembling the SWPPP notebook.
Project Manager will coordinate with Stormwater Section for LDP application process. See Land Disturbace Permit Application. See sample of a City's Land Disturbance Permit.
See BLP Memo 03-12 Engineer's Professional Seal and Signature on Plans.
Exhibit No. IV-1a is a contractor submittals checklist.
Exhibit No. IV-1b is an approved products listing for signals, street lighting, fiber optics, ITS, traffic control, pavement marking and signing.
Task No. 2 - Distribute Material Testing Proposals
The Project Manager shall prepare and distribute RFPs to at least three qualified private material testing companies. Exhibit No. IV-2a is a list of materials testing / geotechnical service companies.
Exhibit No. IV-2b is a sample RFP transmittal letter to material testing companies.
Exhibit No. IV-2c is the material testing proposal instructions (Exhibit A).
Exhibit No. IV-2d is the material testing proposal (Exhibit B). (word version)
Exhibit No. IV-2d is the material testing proposal (Exhibit B). (excel version)
Exhibit No. IV-2e is the material and testing specifications (Exhibit C).
Exhibit No. IV-2f is the Material Sampling and Testing Frequency Chart (Exhibit D).
Exhibit No. IV-2g is the Agreement for Construction Material Testing Services.
Exhibit No. IV-2h is the Supplemental Agreement for Construction Material Testing Services
Task No. 3 - Set Bid Opening Date - Schedule Room
The Project Manager in conjunction with the Contract Specialist will determine the bid opening date. Consideration of publishing the legal advertisement(s) (see Task No. IV-4) will be taken into consideration. The Contract Specialist will schedule a room for receiving bids. The room location will be included in the legal publication.
The Project Manager shall determine if a pre-bid conference is required prior to preparing the notice to bidders. If one is required, it shall be scheduled approximately one week prior to the bid opening. The Notice to Bidders shall give this date as information to potential bidders and will serve as the invitation to this meeting. It shall be determined by the Project Manager whether attendance will be a requirement for submitting a bid.
Also See: Guidance for Planning Bid and Contract Award Schedules
Task No. 4 - Publish Legal Advertisement
Generally, the project shall be advertised approximately 3 weeks prior to the scheduled bid opening for construction projects and 12 days for equipment and material bids. The Project Manager is to provide the Contract Specialist the notice to bidders electronically by 3:00 pm Friday so they can arrange for publication in the Wednesday edition of the Overland Park Sun newspaper. The Contract Specialist shall check the newspaper on the day of scheduled publication to make sure the notice was published.
Exhibit No. IV-4a is a sample transmittal memorandum to the City Clerk's office.
Exhibit No. IV-4b is a sample Notice to Bidders.
Exhibit No. IV-4c is a sample legal publication affidavit for the Johnson County Sun and Kansas Register.
For KDOT projects, advertisement shall also be in the Kansas Register, 30 days prior to the scheduled bid opening. Kansas Register publications are released on Thursdays. The notice to bidders shall be received by the Kansas Register one week prior to scheduled advertisement.
The Notice shall be e-mailed to: [email protected]
Office of the Secretary of State
Attn: Nancy Reddy Memorial Hall, 1st Floor 120 SW 10th Avenue Topeka, KS 66612-1594
785-291-3051 (fax)
Exhibit No. IV-4d is a sample e-mail cover sheet to the Office of the Secretary of State. (Kansas Register)
Task No. 5 - Notice to Contractor’s/DBE Firms
The Consultant/Administrative Assistant shall mail to specialty contractors and DBE firms the Notice to Bidders. Exhibit No. IV-5a is a list of contractors for Street and Bridge projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5b is a list of contractors for Storm Sewer projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5c is a list of contractors for Sidewalk and Curb projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5d is a list of contractors for Streetlight projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5e is a list of contractors for Traffic Signal projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5f is a list of contractors for Demolition projects.
Exhibit No. IV-5g is a list of plan rooms associated with DBE contractors. They are to receive, without cost, a copy of the plans and specifications.
Task No. 6 - Distribute Plans, Contract Documents and Estimate
The plans/contract documents shall be distributed by the office that prepared the plans/contract documents to potential bidders. The Consultant/Project Manager shall establish a fair price for the plans/contract documents which amount shall not be refundable. This amount shall be included in the Notice to Bidders as well as the not refundable statement.
The Consultant or City who is distributing/selling the plans shall assign a person to record all plan holders.
Plans and Contract Documents shall be provided free to the plan rooms as listed on Exhibit IV-5g.
The final Engineer’s construction cost estimate shall be forwarded to the Contract Specialist one day prior to the bid opening. This estimate shall be notarized and sealed in an envelope.
Exhibit No. IV-6 is a sample Engineer’s construction cost estimate.
After the City Council has awarded the Contract, the original estimate is forwarded to the City Clerk’s office and a copy placed in the project file.
Task No. 7 - Conduct Pre-Bid Conference
If a pre-bid conference is scheduled by the Project Manager, an agenda shall be prepared and distributed at the beginning of the meeting. The following issues are appropriate to discuss:
Note: In an effort to avoid scheduling conflicts with other called utility meetings an Outlook calendar has been created called PW Utilities. PW Utilities shall be invited as an attendee to all utility meetings, pre-bid conferences and pre-construction conferences or any meeting requesting utility company attendance.
Exhibit No. IV-7 is a sample Pre-Bid Conference Agenda.
Exhibit No. II-9d is a meeting sign in sheet.
• project scope/requirements,
• any unusual contract requirements,
• any unusual work requirements,
• Contract completion date,
• traffic control plan(s), and
• Contractor/bidder questions.