Utility Relocation Guidelines for Public Construction Projects

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These guidelines are to be considered in all relocation planning. The utility should notify the City project manager in instances when these clearances cannot be accomplished.

1. Utilities Crossing Roadway
a) Minimum 4.5’ below the top of proposed curb to the top of pipe.
b) Minimum 4.0’ below finish top of asphalt at the edge of roadway.
2. Utilities crossing storm sewers
a) Minimum 2.0’ from the flow line to the top of the utility.
b) Clear zone of 5’ each side of the pipe, measured perpendicular to the centerline of the storm sewer pipe.
3. Utilities parallel to the storm sewers within 5’ horizontal distance of the storm sewer should be a minimum 2.0’ below the flow line of the storm sewer.
4. Utilities less than 5’ horizontal distance from the outside of a storm sewer structure should be a minimum 3.0’ below the flow line out.
5. Utilities under Reinforced Concrete Box culverts.
a) Minimum 2.0’ below the bottom of the box.
b) Minimum 15’ clear at the above depth each side of the RCB.
c) Provide additional room as designated by the Engineer for the side where the temporary channel is to be located during RCB construction.
6. Traffic Signal Poles – Underground utilities should clear by at least 7.0’.
7. Street Light Poles – Underground utilities should clear by at least 6.0’.
8. Creek Crossings - Minimum 2.0’ below Rip Rap sub grade to top of 1.0’ concrete cap. See bridges for major crossings.
9. Utilities in cut slopes, shoulders, or ditches should be minimum of 3.0’ below finish grade.
10. Sidewalk retaining walls – Minimum 2.0’ below the toe of the sidewalk retaining wall.
11. Bridges
a) Overhead utilities should be minimum 15’ horizontal distance from the edge of the bridge abutment to the conductor.
b) Underground utilities should be minimum 7’ horizontal distance from the edge of the bridge abutment to the utility.
c) Underground utilities should be 3’ below the Rip Rap toe ditch subgrade to the top of 1.0’ concrete cap.