General Information / Miscellaneous Information Design Guidelines

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City Guidelines Regarding the Installation of “General Information” / “Miscellaneous Information” (I Series) Signs
Traffic Services Division of the Department of Public Works

Governing Document Reference:

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), 2009 or latest edition and the Overland Park Municipal Code 12.04.

MUTCD Requirements:

General Information Signs

“General Information” (I Series) signs can properly convey numerous kinds of information, though not directly necessary for guidance. They include such items as State lines, City limits, other political boundaries, time zones, stream names, elevations, landmarks, and similar items of geographical interest, and safety and transportation-related messages. “General Information” signs should not be installed within a series of guide signs or at other equally critical locations, unless there are specific reasons for orienting the road user or identifying control points for activities that are clearly in the public interest. On all such signs, the designs should be simple and dignified, devoid of any advertising, and in general conformance with other guide signing.

An information symbol sign (I-5 through I-9) may be used to identify a route leading to a transportation or general information facility, or to provide additional guidance to the facility. The symbol sign may be supplemented by an educational plaque where necessary. The name of the facility may be used if needed to distinguish between similar facilities.

I Series Signs.png

The Advance Turn (M5 series) or Directional Arrow (M6 series) auxiliary signs with white arrows on green backgrounds may be used with “General Information” symbol signs to create a “General Information Directional Assembly”.

Advance Turn and Directional Signs.png

Miscellaneous Information Signs

Geographic Information Signs.png

“Miscellaneous Information” (I Series) signs are used to point out geographical features, such as rivers and summits, and other jurisdictional boundaries signs. They may be used if they do not interfere with signing for interchanges or other critical points.

City of Overland Park Guidelines for Installation:

General Information Signs
“General Information” signs may be installed as appropriate or at the discretion of the City Traffic Engineer.

To qualify for installation, there has to be an initial point from which a motorist would likely have to encounter the first sign to be able to proceed to the desired destination.

The point of beginning is the intersection of the major thoroughfare street that intersects with the street that the facility is located on. The point of ending is the destination or the actual location of the facility for which the directions are intended.

A minimum number of signs shall be installed to provide guidance to the traveling public via the shortest or most direct route. Signs will be placed in advance of the intersection where the motorist is required to change direction. Intermediate mid-block signs will not be installed. Signs will not be installed to direct the motorist to any private drives off of a city street. Miscellaneous Information Signs
“Miscellaneous Information” signs may be installed as appropriate or at the discretion of the City Traffic Engineer.

Signing Standards:

The “General Information” and “Miscellaneous Information” sign shall have a white message and border on a green background. All messages, borders, and legends shall be retro-reflective and all backgrounds shall be retro-reflective.

For most “General Information” and “Miscellaneous Information” signs, the legends are so variable that a standardized size is not appropriate. The sign size is determined primarily by the length of the message and the size of lettering and spacing necessary for proper legibility. The shape of “General Information” and “Miscellaneous Information” signs shall be rectangular.