Parking Prohibition / Permissive Parking Sign Design Guidelines
City Guideline Regarding the Installation of "Parking Prohibition" or “Permissive Parking” (R7 and R8 Series) Signs
Traffic Services Division of the Department of Public Works
Governing Document Reference:
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), 2009 or latest adopted edition, City Resolution 4037 Section E and Overland Park Municipal Code (OPMC), Title 12 – Traffic, Chapter 12.04, Article XIII, Section 12.04.083 through Section 12.04.102.
MUTCD Requirements:
"No Parking" (R7 and R8 Series) signs, by the MUTCD, are intended for use to establish parking restrictions according to State law and the City of Overland Park Municipal Code.
Parking signs should display the following information from top to bottom of the sign, in the order listed:
- A. The restriction or prohibition;
- B. The times of the day that it is applicable, if not at all hours; and
- C. The days of the week that it is applicable, if not every day.
If the parking restriction applies to a limited area or zone, the limits of the restriction should be shown by arrows or supplemental plaques. If arrows are used and if the sign is at the end of a parking zone, there should be a single-headed arrow pointing in the direction that the regulation is in effect. If the sign is at an intermediate point in a zone, there should be a double-headed arrow pointing both ways. When a single sign is used at the transition point between two parking zones, it should display a right and left arrow pointing in the direction that the respective restrictions apply.
As an alternate to the use of arrows to show designated restriction zones, word messages such as BEGIN, END, HERE TO CORNER, HERE TO ALLEY, THIS SIDE OF SIGN, or BETWEEN SIGNS may be used.
These guidelines are meant to create consistency within the city limits of the City of Overland Park in the installation and enforcement of parking control signs on City streets (Residential, Collector, Super Collector and Thoroughfare) and City parking lots. Its purpose is to provide a safe passageway for motorists by providing clear and consistent information.
The goal of these guidelines is to create a standard for which parking control will be consistent for same street classifications throughout the City. However, due to varying types of unforeseen safety issues, the City Traffic Engineer shall have authority to install parking control, which varies from the standard.
It was determined that the previously used 12”x12” No Parking signs were difficult to enforce as they did not define the area that drivers could not be parked in (i.e. It may be clear the parking is not allowed next to the sign, but is 100' ft away from it ok? 200' ft?...). The 12”x18” signs resolved this issue by defining (with the use of arrows) the area of no-parking.
Design Criteria:
These guidelines were established using the following criteria as reference:
- Assume 1'-6" of a 2'-0" curb and gutter is usable for parking.
- Assume a typical passenger car width of 7'-0".
- Assume a snow plow Truck width of 10'-0".
- Assume a fire truck requires a 10’-0” travel width and a minimum of 19'-0" with the outriggers extended.
- Roadway Width - Measured from back of curb to back of curb, or edge of pavement to edge of pavement where no curb exists. Approximately eighteen inches of a two foot curb and gutter cross-section can be utilized when parking a vehicle on the road. Therefore, as an example, a 28' back to back street has 27' of usable roadway.
- Road Segment Length - A typical block, from cross street to cross street, except in the cases of group mailboxes, fire hydrants, traffic calming measures, etc.
- Sign Spacing - Based on the height of the No Parking Symbol of 9 inches, the maximum spacing between consecutive signs is 270 feet. This is in keeping with the MUTCD to provide 1” of letter height for every 30 feet of visibility distance. (Appendix A)
- Enforceable Limitations - Any location signed using the R8-3(B) signs should be considered as No Parking up to an installed R8-3 (L) or R8-3 (R) sign. If no termination signs exist, the parking restriction should be considered terminated at the intersection of the next cross street.
City of Overland Park Guidelines for Installation:
Residential Streets:
New Residential Street Construction:
- If the back of curb to back of curb width is 26’ or greater, parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. Safety issues shall dictate any variances to this policy.
- If the back of curb to back of curb width is 22’ or 24’, parking is only allowed on one side of the roadway. The side of the street upon which parking shall be restricted will be based on sidewalk location, mail box locations, or other safety considerations such as adjacent parks, schools, etc.
Existing Residential Streets:
- Where existing residential streets are unimproved ditched streets, or curbed and guttered streets with a width less than 26’ back of curb to back of curb, parking restrictions will be posted on one side of the street. If a clear and present safety or operational issue is evident the City may restrict parking on both sides of the street.
- Where existing residential streets are unimproved ditched streets or curbed and guttered streets that meet or exceed the standard width of 26' back of curb to back of curb, the posting of parking restrictions will be on a case by case basis. If a clear and present safety or operational issue is evident, the City will install signs that best address the situation. Otherwise a petition must be signed by the residents. Where a Homes Association (or another such group which represents the residents) exists, a letter from this group can serve in place of a petition.
- Once an unimproved street is improved in conjunction with the City’s Neighborhood Streets Reconstruction Program, or any similar program, all “No Parking” signs that were existing prior to the improvement, will be removed where the improved street meets the requirements for New Construction, item 1 above. Residents wishing to have the signs reinstalled will be required to go through the petitioning process. Exception to this rule applies if a traffic study conducted during the design phase indicates that there is a need to keep the signs in place.
Parking Prohibition Request Petition Process:
- Upon a request being submitted, a field investigation shall be initiated to determine whether the installation of "No Parking" sign(s) conform to this policy and will be enforceable under section 12.04 of the Overland Park Traffic Ordinance.
- When a petition is used it must be submitted by the requester with approval of over half of the homeowners who live along the affected street segment.
- The City of Overland Park will initiate sending an approved Parking Prohibition Request Petition Form to the requester listing the addresses along the street segment to be affected.
- a. The petition will state, based on a City staff field investigation, the side of the street that the parking restriction will affect.
- b. The requester shall circulate the petition to the addresses on the petition for the homeowner (one signature per household is all that will be accepted) to vote in either favor or against the parking restrictions. The petition must be approved by over half of the homeowners along any affected street.
- c. City staff will notify citizens at addresses on the returned petition that do not have a homeowner’s signature informing them that there has been a request for parking restrictions. They will be given the opportunity to vote in favor or against the restrictions, unless the petition receives a majority vote without their signature.
Petition for the Removal of Parking Restriction Process:
The removal of "No Parking" signs on existing residential streets will go through the same petitioning process as the addition of parking restrictions. Any street which had parking restriction signs installed as part of the petitioning process must wait twelve (12) months from the initial date of installation before it can be reviewed for removal of some or all of the parking restriction signs. The City of Overland Park will initiate sending an approved Parking Prohibition Removal Request Petition Form to the requester listing the addresses along the street segment to be affected.
Collector Streets:
Parking may be restricted upon an engineering study for specific circumstances as determined by the City Traffic Engineer. This includes areas near schools, parks, bicycle routes, or other similar traffic generators with sufficient on-site parking.
Thoroughfare and Super Collector Streets:
Parking is prohibited on all thoroughfare streets, except within the downtown Overland Park District as outlined below. Parking is also prohibited on super collector streets.
Downtown District:
- On-street parking in the downtown Overland Park district shall be limited to 2 or 3-hour parking unless otherwise posted as short-term (5 or 15 minute) parking as directed by the City Traffic Engineer.
- The following streets have been identified as falling within the Downtown District: Santa Fe Drive between 79th Street and Conser Street; 80th Street between Metcalf Avenue and Conser Street: Conser from Santa Fe to 79th: 79th St from Conser to Metcalf.
Other Typical Applications:
The following applications are typical and do not reflect all possible situations where parking control may be needed. See Appendix A for typical sign location applications and Section 12.04.085 of the Overland Park Municipal Code for a complete listing of enforceable parking control situations (regardless of whether or not signs are posted):
- Fire hydrants – On-street parking shall be restricted fifteen (15) feet on either side of the Fire hydrant.
- Crosswalks – Parking shall be restricted within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection twenty (20) feet on either side of a mid-block crosswalk.
- Intersections – Parking shall be restricted within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway.
- Group mailboxes – Parking shall be restricted ten (10) feet on either side of the mailboxes.
- Streets with curb side mailboxes – Residential streets, which qualify for parking restrictions, and have residential mailboxes installed along the curb on one side of the street, should have the signs installed on the same side as the mailboxes to ensure un-interrupted delivery of mail.
- Streets with sidewalk on one side – Where there are residential streets that qualify for parking restrictions, and there is sidewalk on one side of the street, the side opposite of the sidewalk should have the parking restrictions installed. The mailbox rule above should take precedence when there is a conflict between these two applications.
- Residential Areas – In addition to the policy on residential street widths discussed above, parking control may be required in residential areas affected by, but not limited to bordering schools, parks and businesses. In all instances, a traffic study will be conducted and if deemed necessary, a parking petition must be circulated and approved by over half of the owners along any affected street.
- Schools – Schools will be signed on a case by case basis as indicated by a traffic study. Generally, signs and plaques may be installed indicating “No Stopping or Standing”, or “No Parking”, and may further specify times of the day and days of the week when effective. Refer to signing standards for typical signs that will be installed in this situation.
Requests to Temporarily Cover Parking Restriction Signs:
Exceptions to the above requirements may exist, or be granted, for the temporary covering of parking restriction signs for a short-term duration. In any such case where a request has been made and approved by the City Traffic Engineer to temporarily cover the signs, the City Traffic Maintenance Division will install sign coverings based on the time frame requested. In certain situations, such as over weekends or holidays, the requesting entity may be required to install and remove the coverings. City staff will notify the Administrative Assistant of the Traffic Services Division who will in turn notify the Overland Park Police Department, and the Traffic Services Maintenance Department of the approved request.
The signs shall not be covered prior to two (2) hours before the start of the event. All covers will be removed within two (2) hours of the conclusion of the event.
The table below is a list of exceptions that have been granted a blanket approval to cover No Parking signs.
Exceptions Allowed by the City to Cover "No Parking" Signs (Blanket Approval) | |
Name | Location |
Milburn Country Club | Santa Fe Drive (71st Street to 67th Street) |
Family Tree Nursery | Farley (86th Street to 83rd Terrace) 85th Street (Mastin to Carter) |
Villa Saint Joseph Nursing Home | Rosewood (119th Street to Tomahawk Creek Parkway |
- Where approval has been granted to the entities listed in the chart above for the temporary covering of parking restriction signs, it is up to the requester to cover the sign prior to the event as well as to uncover the signs immediately following the event.
- The exceptions listed in the chart above have been given sign coverings to install and remove on their own, providing the appropriate granting of permission has been followed.
- The signs shall not be allowed to be covered prior to two (2) hours before the start of the event. All covers must be removed within two (2) hours of the conclusion of the event. In the event that these time frames are not adhered to, future requests from the requester may not be granted.
Signing Standards:
Sign Colors
"Parking Prohibition" signs
Where parking is prohibited at all times or at specific times, the basic design for parking signs shall have a red legend and border on a white retro-reflective background, except that the R8-3 sign shall have a black legend and border and a red circle and slash on a white retro-reflective background.
"Permissive Parking" signs
Where only limited-time parking or parking in a particular manner are permitted, the signs shall have a green legend and border on a white retro-reflective background.
"Informational" plaques
Additional information plaques may be mounted below or incorporated into the “Parking Prohibition” or “Permissive Parking” sign face. The text and border color shall match the color of the sign it supplements and shall be on a white retro-reflective background.
Sign Sizes
“No Parking” signs shall be 12” x 18” vertical rectangles. Additional "Informational" plaques mounted below the sign shall be 12” x 9” horizontal rectangles.
The signs shown and listed below are an example of the most common signs used by the City of Overland Park. Other signs may be used on a case by case basis:
Sign Legend
No Parking signs shall have left, right, or bidirectional arrows on the 12”x18” sign unless a single parking stall is being restricted.
Sign Spacing
If there is to be no parking along a lengthy distance of road, No Parking signs shall be repeated a maximum of every 270’ along the road.
Typical Signs
The signs shown and listed below are an example of the most common signs used by the City of Overland Park. Other signs may be used on a case by case basis: